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Send Paycheck Vouchers

Use this option to send or re-send email vouchers to employees confirming their direct deposits have been processed. The emails can include the following, depending on how your system is set up:

  • Standard email notifications informing employees that their pay has been deposited.

  • Standard email notifications, plus printable PDF attachments of employees' direct deposit vouchers. The system creates the vouchers from employees' Check History records one pay period at a time. More than one pay period can be covered for the employees selected.

During the pay run process, users are given the option in the Print Pay Checks page to send the vouchers immediately via email or schedule them to be sent at a future date and time. For additional details on how vouchers are scheduled, refer to the Procedures below, as well as to Print Checks.

The Send Vouchers from Check History page enables you to send vouchers using their related Pay Run code. You can then send the vouchers to either all employees whose pay has been processed for direct deposit or selected employees. You can also re-send vouchers to employees who have requested them.

From this page, you can access the Voucher Schedules page, which enables you to view, change, and delete schedules for vouchers that are ready to be sent. These vouchers will be sent automatically at the scheduled date and time.

For the setup requirements tied to these features, refer to Prerequisites for Generating Paycheck Notifications and Vouchers.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Send Paycheck Vouchers.

Action Bar Items

The Action Bar on the Send Paycheck Vouchers page includes the following item:

Voucher Schedules

Displays the Voucher Schedule page, which enables users to modify the voucher schedule set in the Print Pay Checks page. This item only displays when vouchers are scheduled to print.

The Action Bar on the Voucher Schedule page displays the following item:

Delete Row

Deletes the selected schedule and prevents its vouchers from being sent.

Schedule Email Vouchers

When you are processing a pay run, the Print Pay Checks page displays as part of the Payroll wizard process. In this case, begin the procedure for scheduling email vouchers with step 4. Otherwise, you can access the Print Pay Checks page and schedule the vouchers as follows.

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Pay Run Processing to display the Pay Run Processing page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the most recently calculated pay run, and then click Find.

  3. Select the current pay run, and then click Print Checks in the Direct Deposit/Checks section.

  4. In the Print Pay Checks page, complete the Beginning Check Number, Check Date, Sort Order, Type of Checks, and Beginning Email Voucher Number fields.

  5. In the Send Email Vouchers to Employees field, select Later.

  6. In the Send Email Voucher Date and Send Email Voucher Time fields, enter the date and time you want the vouchers to be sent.
    For details on the Print Pay Checks page's fields, refer to Print Checks.

  7. When finished, click Print to send the paychecks to the printer.
    This also generates the voucher schedule, which can be accessed in the Voucher Schedules page, as outlined in the next procedure.

Review and Update Voucher Schedules

  1. On the Send Vouchers from Check History page, click Voucher Schedules on the Action Bar to display the Voucher Schedules page. This Action Bar item only displays if there are pay runs with vouchers that are scheduled and have not yet been sent.

  2. In the List section, select the desired voucher schedule. Update the Run Date and Run Time fields as needed.

  3. When finished, click Accept.

Delete Voucher Schedules

Unlike other delete procedures, this one will not display a Confirmation dialog before deleting. Clicking Delete Row deletes the selected voucher schedule immediately.

  1. On the Send Vouchers from Check History page, click Voucher Schedules on the Action Bar.

  2. In the List section, select the desired schedule, and then click Delete Row to delete it.

Send Email Vouchers to Employees

The following procedure enables you to send or re-send vouchers to employees. However, you do not need to follow this procedure for vouchers that are scheduled to be sent. The system will automatically send the vouchers to the appropriate employees at the scheduled date and time.

  1. On the Send Vouchers from Check History page, in the Selection Criteria section, complete the fields to identify the pay run, employees, and vouchers to include.

  2. In the Email Header Information and Email Body sections, change the displayed information as needed. This data defaults from the Human Resources Profile.

  3. Click Accept.

  4. In the Print window, enter your settings, and then click OK. The report's default file name is reprintchk.rpt.

If a selected pay run included vouchers with zero gross pay, they follow the selection for whether to email vouchers that was selected when the pay run was processed. If the user selected not to produce vouchers when they processed the pay run, the vouchers are assigned sequence numbers and can be reviewed in employee check history, but they cannot be emailed from this page.

Fields and Descriptions

Following are descriptions of the fields in the Send Vouchers from Check History and Voucher Schedules pages.

Send Vouchers from Check History Page

Selection Criteria



Pay Run

Code identifying the pay run associated with the vouchers. Using this field enables you to limit the vouchers to a specific pay run. To reference multiple pay runs, use the pipe symbol between codes, for example, A12|B12|C12.

Voucher Date

Date of issue of the original vouchers, in MM/DD/YYYY format. Use the colon symbol to reference a range of dates, for example, 10/08/2018:10/21/2019.

Employee Number

Number identifying an employee. Use Lookup to select an employee. To specify multiple employees, use the pipe symbol between ID numbers, for example, 18420|35991|28716.

Last Name

Last name of an employee. Generally, you would only use this field if the employee's last name is unique and you are not using the Employee Number field.

Voucher Number

Number of the original voucher. To enter multiple numbers, use the pipe symbol, for example, V1624|V1631|V1648.

Format Name

Select the check format for the vouchers.

Email Header Information

The data in the following fields defaults from the corresponding fields in the Direct Deposit Voucher Email tab of the Human Resources Profile. You may change the defaults as needed.



Email Sender Address

Email address being used to send the vouchers.

The limit is 50 characters.

Blind Copy Address

Email address hidden from recipients for sending copies of the email vouchers.

The limit is 50 characters.

Email Subject

Text for the Subject line of the email, for example, Payroll Voucher Attached.

The limit is 50 characters.

Attach PDF Voucher?

Checkbox indicating whether to attach vouchers to the emails as PDF (Portable Document Format) files. This only applies if your system is set up for generating attachments.

Email Body



Email Body

The standard email voucher message displays from the Human Resources Profile's Direct Deposit Voucher Email tab. You may change the message as needed.

The limit is 1,990 characters.

Voucher Schedules Page




System-generated description of the voucher schedule from the details of the pay run. Display only.


Status of the schedule. The default status will be Waiting. Display only.


User ID of the person who completed the check process and chose to send vouchers later. Display only.

Run Date

Date to send the vouchers. If you need to reschedule the email for sending the vouchers, enter a different date.

Run Time

Time of day to send the vouchers. If you need to reschedule the email for sending the vouchers, enter a different time.

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