Print Checks
Run this option to generate payroll checks and direct deposit vouchers.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Run Processing. From the Direct Deposit/Checks section, select Print Checks.
Print Checks uses two main pages:
Pay Check Line Up | To align check forms in your printer, select Print Line Up. To skip the lineup, click Next to display the Print Pay Checks page. |
Print Pay Checks | Accepts setup data, such as a beginning check/email voucher number and date. You can also specify the sort order and whether to generate checks, direct deposit vouchers, or both. |
For information on sending email notifications and vouchers for direct deposits, refer to Send Paycheck Vouchers. Also refer to the Send Email Voucher fields in the Fields section of this page.
Pay Check Line Up Page
Line up check forms to generate pay checks.
Click Print Checks on the Pay Run Processing page.
If you are using the Payroll Wizard, this page displays when you finish running the Direct Deposit option.In the Check Format section, select the Format name.
Click Print Line Up.
In the Print window, select the Printer or File radio button as a destination for your lineup data. The default file name is linechk.rpt.
Click OK to begin processing. You return to the Pay Check Line Up page after the lineup test.
Examine the positioning of the printing. The system uses 9s to represent numeric information and X where text prints on checks.
If the stock needs further alignment, adjust it accordingly, and then run the Print Line Up procedure again. You can run this option as many times as needed until the lineup is correct.
Generate Checks and Vouchers
On the Print Pay Checks page, the Type of Checks field lists the following options:
Type of Checks | Definition |
All | Intermingles checks, vouchers, and email vouchers. With this setting, the system does not add a V to the front of voucher numbers. If you use automatic check numbering and the payroll bank account has different sequences assigned for Payroll Checks and Payroll Vouchers, the All option is not listed. |
Cashable Checks | Issues checks only. With this setting, the system does not print or email vouchers. |
Vouchers | Issues direct deposit and email vouchers only. With this setting, the system does not print pay checks. You also have the option of scheduling the vouchers to be sent via email at a later date. With this setting, the system precedes the check number with a V. |
Print Pay Checks Page
Generate pay checks and vouchers.
On the Pay Check Line Up page, select Next.
In the Pay Check Setup section, complete the fields. Refer to the Fields and Descriptions section of this page.
If you select Later in the Send Email Vouchers to Employees field, you must set up the Voucher Schedule. For details, refer to Send Paycheck Vouchers.Click Print.
One of the following confirmation dialogs displays:
If the system determines that the range of numbers on the checks being printed is correct, a verification displays. Click Yes to display the Print window.
If you do not have the payroll bank account set up for automatic check numbering with document types, and any check number in the range you specified duplicates a check that was previously printed, an error message appears. Click OK to return to the Print Pay Checks page, enter a different number in the Beginning Check Number field, and then repeat previous steps.
In the Print window, enter your print settings. However, do not change the default (1) for the number of copies to print. The default file name for storing the records and printing them later is checks.rpt.
Click OK to begin processing.
A confirmation dialog displays when the system finishes printing. Review the checks or vouchers. The confirmation dialog may display before your last check prints. Do not respond until you review all checks. After you click Yes in the dialog, you cannot re-run any checks that are incorrect.
If the checks or vouchers are correct, click Yes. The Payroll Activities page displays. For information, refer to Run All Activities.
If you need to re-start the process beginning with a particular check number, click No. The Re-Print Pay Checks page displays. The page provides two fields in place of the original Beginning Check Number field.
Last Good Check Number: Enter the number of the last check that printed correctly, or enter 0 to re-print all of the checks.
Restart Check Number: Enter the number of the first check to be reprinted. This field populates automatically if you use automatic check numbering. If you enter a Last Good Check Number other than 0 (zero), then it populates the Last Good Check Number plus 1. Otherwise, it populates the first Check Number that was used for the original print request for the pay run.
After you finish your entries in the Re-Print Pay Checks page, click Next, and then resume the procedure.
Fields and Descriptions
Pay Check Setup Section
Field | Description |
Beginning Check Number | Enter the number of the first check being printed. The system numbers checks sequentially from this point. Check numbers are an audit control and should always match the pre-printed numbers on your check stock. The Beginning Check Number field may populate a number if the payroll bank account has Document Types configured for the selected Type of Checks. The populated number may change or be deleted if you change the selection for the Type of Checks. This is based on the payroll bank account document types and next number. |
Check Date | Enter the date to print on the checks. |
Sort Order | Determines the order for sorting checks and vouchers. Select:
Type of Checks | Determines the type of checks to print. Select:
With the A - All selection, the system intermingles checks and printed vouchers and then follows up with the email vouchers. These vouchers will not have the V in front of the check numbers. If the payroll bank account has different sequences for Payroll Checks and Payroll Vouchers, All is not listed. |
Separate Numbering for Email Vouchers | This field can only be accessed if you are generating email vouchers and have selected the Type of Checks as All or Vouchers Only and the payroll bank account has at lease one document type configured. If Payroll Email Vouchers is grouped with Payroll Vouchers, or both Payroll Vouchers and Payroll Checks, and uses the same sequencing, then the field is inactive. If the payroll bank account has Payroll Email Vouchers assigned a different sequence from Payroll Vouchers, you must select this option to populate the Beginning Email Voucher Number from the Next Number for the Payroll Email Voucher sequence. If you do not select this option, the check numbers will follow the Payroll Voucher sequence instead of the Payroll Email Voucher sequence. |
Beginning Email Voucher Number | This field can only be accessed if you are generating email vouchers. If the payroll bank account record has Payroll Email Vouchers grouped with Payroll Vouchers, or both Payroll Vouchers and Payroll Checks for the same sequencing, then the field is inactive.
In either case, the system enters a V (for voucher) in front of the number. The limit is eight digits. |
Send Email Vouchers to Employees | This field only applies to employees who receive paycheck vouchers via email. Select:
Send Email Voucher Date | Date to send the email vouchers. Available if you select Later in the Send Email Voucher to Employees field. If needed, you can change the scheduled date and time later in the Voucher Schedules page. This page can be accessed from the Send Vouchers from Check History page. For details, including the related procedures, refer to Send Paycheck Vouchers. |
Send Email Voucher Time | Time of day to send the email vouchers. Available if you select Later in the Send Email Voucher to Employees field. |
Message to Appear on Check | The following single-line fields display if the Human Resources Profile’s Paycheck Form field is set to E - Extended or R - Extended with Rate: Two fields for adding messages to extended paycheck stubs and vouchers. The limit is 60 characters. |