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Run All Activities

Use this option to run the Payroll Job Stream, which completes the remaining steps in a pay run after your generate your checks. Using the Job Stream also frees your computer for other uses during processing. However, if you run the options individually, we recommend that you select them in the order listed.

Payroll Job Stream Options

The Run All Activities option displays the Payroll Activities page. The page's Payroll Job Stream section includes the following checkboxes:

Fund Accounting Interface

Updates the Automated Payroll Interface and Batch Accounts Payable options in the Fund Accounting System with data from your pay run. The interface also creates detail distribution records.

Payroll Encumbrance

Updates encumbrance amounts in the Fund Accounting System. This applies to Pay Rate records with pay codes that have their Encumber Salaries fields selected.

Completing your pay run

  1. Click Run All Activities in the Pay Run Processing page to display the Payroll Activities page.
    If you are using the Payroll Wizard, the Payroll Activities page displays when you complete the Print Checks option.
  2. In the Payroll Job Stream section, the following checkboxes are selected by default:
    Fund Accounting Interface
    Payroll Encumbrance
    You can clear either checkbox if you prefer to complete the pay run process by selecting options individually.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Check Register page, select one of the following radio buttons to determine the Check Register report's sort order:

    Radio Buttons

    Default File Names

    Sort by Check Location


    Sort by Check Number


    Skip Report

    For more information, refer to Check Register.

  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Print window, enter your report settings, and then click OK.
  7. In the Payroll Journal page, select one of the following radio buttons to determine the Payroll Journal report's sort order:

    Radio Buttons

    Default File Names

    Sort by Check Location


    Sort by Department


    Sort by Name


    Skip Report

    For more information, refer to Payroll Journal.

  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Print window, enter your report settings, and then click OK.
  10. In the Deduction Register page, select the following checkboxes to generate the reports indicated.



    Default File Names

    Deduction Report

    Deduction Register


    Deduction Summary


    Vendor Deduction Report

    Deduction Register by Vendor


  11. Click Next.
  12. In each Print window, enter your report settings, and then click OK.
  13. If you selected Fund Accounting Interface in Step 2, the Fund Accounting Interface page displays. Follow these steps:
    • Click Interface. If you click Next instead, you can run the interface process using the Fund Accounting Interface option in the Pay Run Processing page. For details, refer to Fund Accounting Interface.
    • When you select the Interface button, a confirmation dialog displays. Select Yes to run the interface.
    • When the process is complete, another confirmation dialog displays. Click Continue to return to the Fund Accounting Interface page, and then click Next.

For the procedures in completing the final pages in the pay run process, refer to Distribution Reports and Payroll Encumbrance.

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