Special Pays Section
Use this section to enter information for employees who receive special pays. If an employee does not receive special pay, leave the section blank.
Special pay is issued to compensate employees who complete assignments beyond those associated with their regular positions, for example, serving on a special committee, chairing an academic department, or coaching a team.
Issuing Special Pays
For special pay to be issued, the following conditions must be met:
The employee's Special Pays section must include a pay code that contains a special amount pay type and a special pay frequency code.
The Special Pays section must include the amount the employee is to receive.
When you set up a pay run, you must identify the pay code containing the special pay frequency code.
You do not have to create a separate pay rate for a special pay, since the system can reference the amount in the Special Pays section during a pay run. It can also determine the accounting distributions, number of checks to issue, and other information from the employee's primary pay rate.
There are two instances where special pay should not be used:
Special pay is not the same as additional duty pay, which applies to assignments employees perform on an on-going basis, in addition to their regular responsibilities. To set up this type of pay, you should use the Additional Rates window associated with the employee's primary rate.
Special pay should not be used as per unit pay. For pay that is based on the number of times an employee performs a duty, you should set up a pay code with a per unit pay type. You can enter this pay code and the number of units on the employee's timecard.
Field | Description |
Special Pay | Three fields for entering pay codes that have a special amount pay type. The field's drop-down list includes all pay codes from the Pay Code table, so you must know which ones have this pay type. The system provides an error message if you attempt to enter a pay code that has another pay type. |
Amount | Dollar amount the employee receives as special pay in an individual pay run.