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Status Detail

Use this option to generate a detailed report listing employees by locations and positions. The report includes employees' ID numbers and names, and the authorized, filled, and vacant FTE values associated with each position.

  • If a position's occupied FTE's exceed its authorized FTE's, the code OVER appears next to the position's totals, and the total of the Vacant/Over column appears as a negative number.

  • If a position has no occupied FTE's, the message POSITION NOT FILLED appears in place of an employee's name.

The report's default file name is updpos73.rpt. For the standard procedure for generating reports, refer to Position Control Reports Procedure.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Position Control > Status Detail

Employees with Occupied Rates

The Status Detail option uses the standard report procedure, except a message displays after you click OK in the Position Status Detail Report page:

Click Yes to limit the report to employees whose pay rates are occupied or No to include all employee rates whether occupied or not. A pay rate is occupied (filled) if its Occupied checkbox is selected.

If you select No and an unoccupied rate appears in the report, the report's Filled FTE column will include the rate's FTE value. As a result, the filled FTE's shown and resulting vacant FTE's will be incorrect. To alert you to this, the following message is included: **WARNING: CALCULATED VACANCIES DO NOT MATCH ACTUAL.

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