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Submitting a Job Posting (External Applicant)

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Posting Requisition Overview to display the Posting Requisition Overview page.

  2. Click New to display the Posting Requisition page for entering a new job posting.

  3. In the Choose Location and Hiring Manager fields, select the location and the hiring manager for the job posting. When an external applicant is hired for the posting, this location will default into the Check Location field of the Payroll page in the Pending Employee Record center.

  4. Select Existing Position, and enter the Number of Positions that are being requested.

  5. If applicable, select the Reason for the job posting, and enter or select an Employee Number. You can also enter a Reason Comment. If an employee number is entered, the information from the employee will default into the appropriate fields of the job posting. These values can be changed.

  6. In the Fiscal Year field, select the current or next fiscal year for which the job posting is available.

  7. Select the Position Type. Once the position type is selected, the list of associated job classes will be available. Select the Job Class and enter a Position Title for the job posting. When an external applicant is being hired for the posting, the job class will default into the Class field of the Applicant Recommendation e-Form. The value in the Class field on the e-Form will default into the Class field of the Pay Rate page in the Pending Employee Record Center.

  8. Select the Base Location and the Department for the job posting. When an external applicant is being hired for the posting, the selections in these fields will default into the corresponding fields of the Applicant Recommendation e-Form. The values in those fields on the e-Form will default into the corresponding fields in the Base Employee Information page in the Pending Employee Record Center.

  9. In the Publish Type field, determine the applicants who will be able to view and apply for the job posting. External applicants will only be able to view and apply for job postings that have a Publish Type of Internal/External or External. Job postings with a Publish Type of Internal will not be accessible to external applicants.

  10. Enter the Employee FTE for the position. The value entered must be greater than zero, but less than one. When an external applicant is being hired for the posting, the Employee FTE will default into the FTE field of the Applicant Recommendation e-Form. The value in the FTE field on the e-Form will default into the FTE field of the Pay Rate page in the Pending Employee Record Center.

  11. You may enter values in the Days Per Year, Hours Per Day, and Pays Per Year. When an external applicant is being hired for the posting, these values will default into the Days Worked, Hours/Day, and Pays/Year fields of the Applicant Recommendation e-Form. The values in these fields of the e-Form will default into the corresponding fields of the Pay Rate page in the Pending Employee Record Center.

  12. You may enter the salary range in the Salary From and Salary To fields. The values in these fields will display for the job posting on the Recruitment Portal when the Show Salary Range is selected in the Recruitment Portal Configuration's Online Presentation & Options option.

  13. Enter the Posting Date and Closing Date. If you wish to create a job posting that will remain open until all positions have been filled, select the Open Until Filled checkbox. You may also enter a Tentative Start Date. The posting and closing dates are used to determine the date range when the job posting will be available for applicants to apply for.
    When an external applicant is being hired for the job posting, the Tentative Start Date will default into the Hire Date field of the Applicant Recommendation e-Form if the Official Start First Day field in the Recommendation to Hire section of the Applicant Selection page is blank. If the Official Start First Day field has a date, that date will default into the Hire Date field of the Applicant Recommendation e-Form. If neither field has a value, the date must be manually entered. The value in the Hire Date field on the e-Form will default into the Hire Date and Original Hire fields on the Base Employee Information page in the Pending Employee Record Center.

  14. Enter any additional comments about the job posting you want the applicants to see on the Portal in the Portal Comment field.

  15. Enter any additional comments about the job posting you want internal staff to see in the Internal Comment field.

  16. Enter the distribution for the job posting in the Budget Unit, Account, and Percent and if applicable, the Project, Account, and Percent fields. When an external applicant is hired for the posting, the values in these fields will default into the corresponding fields of the Pay Rate page in the Pending Employee Record Center. Click the Add icon to add additional distributions if necessary. As indicated by the asterisks, the titles of the Budget Unit and Project fields are defined in the Human Resources profile.

  17. If the Position Type selected in Step 7 is flagged as certified position on the Position Types table, use the Add icon in the Core Area section to add the core areas necessary for this job posting. When the job posting is posted to the Portal, the Core Area will display when an applicant clicks on the Posting ID link to view more details of the posting. This indicates to the applicant that the posting requires certifications in one or more of the core areas listed.

  18. In the Available Questions section, select additional questions that should appear to applicants when applying for the job posting. Questions that appear in this section are Question Bank questions associated with the Position Type in the Application Question Setup page.

  19. Click Save to save the job posting. Click Submit to save the job posting and route it for approval. At that time, the Needs Approval email template defined on the Postings Email tab of the Recruitment Postings Workflow Configuration Profile will be sent to the user defined on the lowest level of the approval group setup for workflow task 121 - Approval Posting Req Phase 1.

  20. Click Upload on the job posting after it has been saved or submitted to upload a Job Description. You can enter a different name in the Document Description field which will display as the document name to applicants or leave the field blank to use the default name of the file. After clicking Upload, you can to navigate to the appropriate directory on your PC or network and select the file to upload. Click Open to upload the file.

  21. Click Close to exit the Posting Requisition page and the Posting Requisition Overview option, or click Back to go back to the Posting Requisition Overview page.

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