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Tax Info

Use this option to set up employee tax information for posting to your database on a future date. You can update, print, and delete tax information records that have not yet been posted.

Menu path

Select Human Resources, then Periodic Routines, and in the Periodic Processing menu, click Effective Date Changes, and then choose Tax Info.

Use the Effective Tax Information Changes page to change the following data in employee records:

Exemption Status

State Tax Withholding

Attachments: Upload supporting tax documents.

Supported file formats are .bmp, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .txt, .xml, .xls, .xlsx, or .tiff. The maximum size limit is 2 MB.

Filing Status


Federal Tax Withholding

Local Tax Withholding


Number of Dependents (only if W-4 is dated earlier than 1/1/2020)

This information is posted to the Employee Tax Information page. After looking up an employee record in PowerSchool ERP, from the Action Bar, select Payroll Information, then choose Taxes.

Add a tax information change record

To enter a tax information change record:

  1. Click Add new.

  2. Fill out the fields as needed.

  3. If you have a tax document, click the Attachment icon to add the attachment.

  4. Click OK or Accept.

Tax information change updates submitted through Employee Access Center

Based on the administration settings in Employee Access Center (EAC), employees may be allowed to submit tax information updates using EAC. When this occurs, the Entered by field displays EAC.

Dependent on the version of Employee Access Center (EAC)

If you are using an applicable version of EAC, employees may be able to upload supporting tax form files when they submit tax changes through EAC. If an employee uploads a tax form file in EAC, an administrator can display the attached tax form by selecting View Attachments, and then selecting the attachment. Tax form attachments will post when the EAC change record is posted. It will become an attachment on the Employee Tax Information page.

Print a report of tax change records

To generate a report on the change records stored in the batch file, click Print. The default file name of the Future Employee Tax Information report is bchgtax.rpt.

Update a tax information change record

To update a tax information change record:

  1. Enter search criteria to identify records and select Search.

  2. Select the record. Edit the fields as needed.

  3. If you have a tax document, click the Attachment icon to add the attachment.

  4. Click Accept.

Delete a tax information change record

To delete a tax information change record:

  1. Enter search criteria to identify records and select Search.

  2. Select the record to be deleted.

  3. Select Delete.

  4. Select Yes.

Post Effective Tax Information Changes

Use the Periodic Processing - Effective Date Changes post process to post updates into employee records.


The following fields are in the Tax Information section. For information on the other fields, refer to Employee Tax Information Page.



Effective Date

The date that the record should become effective. When you run the Post option, the system posts batch records that match or precede this date. Posting also depends on whether Post? is selected on the record.


Checkbox indicating whether the batch record should be posted based on the Effective Date entered.

Select to enable posting. Leave blank to prevent the record from being posted.

Employee Number

Number identifying an employee. Use Lookup to select the employee.

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