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Time Activity Listing

Use this option to generate a report on changes that have been made to timecards with either the Edit Employee Time option in Pay Run Processing or the Payouts option in employees' Employee Information pages. The report's data includes:

Employee IDs/Names

Pay Codes

Pay Amounts

Pay Cycle Codes

Check Locations

Pay Hours

Tax Indicators

Change Dates

Job Classes

Pay Rates


User Login IDs

An internal flag determines whether the activities should be included in future reports. When you finish generating the report, the system asks if you want to clear the flag to prevent the activities from being included the next time you run the Time Activity Listing option.


Generate this report after you complete your timecard entries and before you calculate the pay run. After you run the pay calculation, you can no longer access your timecard information with this report option.

Generating the Time Activity Listing report

  1. Click Employee Time Reports in the Pay Run Processing page to display the Time Reports page.
    If you are using the Payroll Wizard, the Time Reports page displays when you click Next in the Edit Employee Time page.

  2. Select the Time Activity Listing checkbox. You also can select checkboxes for other reports, as well as timecards.

  3. Click Next to display the Time Activity Listing page.
    If you selected the Payroll Edit Reports checkbox, the Time Activity Listing page displays after you generate the edit reports. Otherwise, the page displays when you click Next in the Time Reports page.

  4. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the employees to include, and then click OK.

  5. In the Print window, enter settings for generating the report. The report's default file name is timeact.rpt.

  6. Click OK to generate the report.

  7. In the message dialog, click OK to continue.

  8. In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Time Activity Listing report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is payedit.rpt.

  9. Click OK in the message dialog.

  10. In the Clear Reported Flag? dialog:
    Click Yes to clear the flag and prevent the data from appearing in future Time Activity Listing reports. Generally, you should clear this data before your next pay run, though this depends on how you use the report. In any case, responding Yes has no effect on timecards.
    Click No to retain the flag and allow the data to be reported the next time you generate the Time Activity Listing.

If you selected an additional Time Reports option in Step 2, the appropriate report page displays. Otherwise, the Pre-Calc Report page displays.

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