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Update Future Pay Rates page

23.10 and later

Use Update Future Pay Rates to make bulk changes to employee future pay rate calculations. This is generally the last step in the process after you have made other future pay rate edits, for example assigning new calendars or changing pay groups.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Future Positions and Pay Rates menu, select Update Future Pay Rates.

Future Non-Scheduled Increases

From the action bar, select Future Non-Scheduled Increases to enter job classes that should have an amount or percentage (or both) change. Select Apply Non-Scheduled Increases in the Salary Calculation Options to calculate the changes in the update future pay rates process.

Selection Criteria

Enter criteria to identify employees that require updated pay rate calculations before the future pay rates are posted to current. If you need to run an advanced search to refine results, you must select Salary Calculation Options and Reset Options before you click Advanced Search.

The page does not provide a preview list of selected employees.

Fields are optional unless marked required. Use criteria that is meaningful to you to select employee pay rates to calculate.



Control Number

Enter a control number to identify a batch of employees. The control number is assigned during the load from current pay rates process.

Effective Date

Enter an effective date to select pay rate records to calculate. Only future pay rate records that match the effective date will be calculated.

Job Class

Select one or more job classes.


Select one or more salary schedules.

Start Date

Enter a start date. Only future pay rate records that match the start date will be calculated.

Pay Group

Select one or more pay groups.

Employee Number

Enter an employee number or use the lookup to select an employee. You can enter multiple employee numbers separated by a pipe, for example 123|597|6231.

Hire Date

Enter a hire date. Only future pay rate records for employees that are assigned the same hire date will be calculated.

Include Inactive Rates

Select Include Inactive Rates to perform calculations on inactive future pay rates.

Salary Calculation Options

Future pay rates do not impact payroll until the future pay rates are posted to current.



Calculate Salaries for Scheduled Pay Rates

Perform calculations for future pay rates that use salary schedules.


Increase the step on selected future pay rates in the calculation process.

Calculate Salaries for Non-Scheduled Pay Rates

Perform calculations for future pay rates that do not use salary schedules.

Apply Non-Scheduled Increases

Perform calculations for job classes with non-scheduled increases that are assigned to future pay rates.

Records must exist in the Future Non-Scheduled Increases table, which opens from the action bar menu.

Reset Options

The reset options only apply to the selected salary calculation options. It is recommended to process scheduled and non-scheduled pay rates separately to make it easier to validate the correct updates have been applied.



Reset Override Type

If your selection criteria includes employee pay rates that have have the Override Type set to Override Rate and you want to begin the new pay rates as system calculated, select this option.

Reset Dates

Automatically resets pay rate start and end dates to the default dates on the calendar assigned to the job class.

Reset dates first looks in the Future Job Classes table for a record that matches the job class on the pay rate, and has an effective date on or before the pay rate effective date, and then populates the Calendar Type start and end dates. If there is no future job class record, then it uses the calendar dates from the current payroll job class record.

Run the update

After you make the selections for processing, click Accept to process the updates.

If future pay rate records have additional duty codes assigned:

  1. If the additional duty code exists in the Future Changes Additional Duty Codes table with an effective date on or before the effective date of the future pay rate, the calculation uses this record.

  2. If there is no matching additional duty code in the Future Changes Additional Duty Codes table, then the calculation uses the Payroll Additional Duty Code table record.

You cannot roll back an auto-step or non-scheduled increase. If you run the calculation updates with Auto-Step or Apply Non-Scheduled Increases selected more than one time for the same group of employees and job classes, you can:

  • Manually edit the future pay rates on the Future Pay Rates page.

  • Delete the impacted pay rates on the Future Pay Rates page and repeat the load from current pay rates.

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