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Update Postings For New Year

The Update Postings For New Year option is to be used during your organization's fiscal year end procedures. For job postings with a status of New, Request, or Posted, this option will:

  • Update the Fiscal Year field on job postings from the prior fiscal year to the new fiscal year.

  • Update any job postings originally entered for the new fiscal year to be classified as current fiscal year.

  • Update the Available FTE and Posting FTE fields for Position Control records if your organization does not use Post to Position Control in Personnel Budgeting.

  • Update budget distributions on the job postings where the organization (budget unit) has changed in the new fiscal year.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Update Postings For New Year


The following must be completed prior to running any of the options of the Update Postings For New Year page:

  1. In Human Resources, update your job classes for the new fiscal year.

  2. In Personnel Budgeting, run the Post to Position Control option.

  3. In Fund Accounting, update the Prior Year Organization field of the Organization Chart for any key organization that is new in the new fiscal year and was different in the prior fiscal year. This may have already been completed in Budget Preparation prior to creating your new year ledgers. Texas customers also need to make sure their Crosswalk is complete.

  4. Complete your Fund Accounting Year End processing.

In addition to the prerequisites, users who do not have full security views for ORGN, ACCT, and PROJ will not be able to select Update Budget Distribution on Open Postings for New Year in the Update Posting For New Year page. However, they will still be able to select the page's other processing options.

You are only required to run the update options your organization uses. These options are designed to run in the order in which they are displayed. If you are running the options individually, use them in the order listed. If you select all three options at the same time, they will run in the required order.

Running reports only

The following procedure enables you to run a report for each of the three update options individually, so that you can make any necessary corrections as you go.

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Update Postings For New Year to display the Update Postings for New Year page.

  2. Leave the Report Only checkbox selected. This will allow you to generate the reports for each option without updating the data.

  3. Select the following checkbox: Update Fiscal Year on open postings for prior fiscal year with a closing date on or after.

  4. Enter the appropriate date. Leaving the date blank will select all prior year job postings.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Fiscal Year on Open Postings report. The default file name is amupdfiscalyr.rpt.

  7. Click OK to generate the report.

    • The report lists all job postings that have a status of New, Request, or Posted; have a closing date greater than or equal to the date entered in Step 4; and are in the prior fiscal year (even if the date was left blank).

  8. Verify that the data on the report is accurate. Make any necessary corrections.

  9. Leave the Report Only field selected, clear the next checkbox, and then select the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year checkbox.

  10. Click OK.

  11. In the Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year (With Positions) report. The report's default file name is amupdnypost1.rpt.
    If your organization does not use Position Control or does not have job postings under Position Control that need to be updated, the Print window for this report will not display.

  12. Click OK to generate the report.

    • The report lists all job postings that have a status of New, Request, or Posted; are in the new fiscal year; and are associated with a job class operating under position control.

    • If there are any warnings or errors in regards to the job posting, they will appear on this report, in addition to the Available FTE in Position Control and the Posting FTE for the job postings.

  13. In the second Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year (No Positions) report. The report's default file name is amupdnypost2.rpt.
    If your organization does not have job postings that need to be updated that are not operating under Position Control, then the Print window for this report will not display.

  14. Click OK to generate the report.

    • The report list all job postings that have a status of New, Request, or Posted; are in the new fiscal year; and are associated with a job class not operating under position control.

    • If there are any warnings or errors in regards to the job postings, they will appear on this report.

  15. Verify the data on both reports is accurate. Make any necessary corrections.

  16. Leave the Report Only field selected, clear the next checkbox that is selected, and select the Update Budget Distribution on Open Postings for New Year checkbox.

  17. Click OK.

  18. In the Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Budget Distributions report. The report's default file name is ampostdist.rpt.

  19. Click OK to generate the report.

    • The report will list all job postings that have a status of New, Request, or Posted; are in the new fiscal year; and have a key organization that does not exist in the new year but is in the Prior Year Organization field of another key organization.

    • The report will also show if the job posting is associated with a class operating under position control and the distribution has been changed.

    • For Texas customers, the Crosswalk will be used.

    • In addition, the report will list any budget distributions that have errors or warnings.

  20. Verify the data on the report is accurate. Make any necessary corrections.

  21. Leave the Report Only field selected and re-run any reports as needed. These reports can be run as often as needed until you are satisfied with the data.

Updating postings for the new year

In the following procedure, you will be running each of the three update options individually. The procedure assumes that you ran the report procedure first, and therefore, it does not include steps for verifying and correcting date after generating each report. If your organization does not use an option, then skip the related steps.

As an alternative to this procedure, you can select all of the appropriate checkboxes at one time (except Report Only) and thereby run the updates and their reports in a single pass. The end result will be the same.

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Update Postings For New Year to display the Update Postings for New Year page.

  2. Clear the Report Only field.

  3. Select the Update Fiscal Year checkbox on open postings for prior fiscal year with a closing date on or after.

  4. Enter the appropriate date. Leaving the date blank will select all prior year job postings.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Fiscal Year on Open Postings report. The default file name is amupdfiscalyr.rpt.

  7. Click OK to generate the report and update the job postings.

    • For the job postings on the Update Fiscal Year on Open Postings report, the fiscal year field will update to the new fiscal year.

    • For information on the report's content, refer to Step 7 of the previous procedure.

  8. Leave the Report Only field blank, clear the next checkbox, and select the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year checkbox.

  9. Click OK.

  10. In the Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year (With Positions) report. The report's default file name is amupdnypost1.rpt.
    If your organization does not use Position Control or does not have job postings under Position Control that need to be updated, the Print window for this report will not display.

  11. Click OK to generate the report and update the job postings.

    • The job postings on the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year (With Positions) report will be updated as current year postings. In addition, if your organization does not use Post to Position Control in Personnel Budgeting, the Available FTE and Posting FTE fields will be updated on the Position Control records associated with the job postings.

    • For information on the report's content, refer to Step 12 of the previous procedure.

  12. In the second Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year (No Positions) report.

  13. Click OK to generate the report and update the job postings.

    • The job postings on the Update Next Year Postings to Current Year (No Positions) report will be updated as current year postings.

    • For information on the report's content, refer to Step 14 of the previous procedure.

  14. Leave the Report Only field blank, clear the checkbox that is selected, and select the Update Budget Distribution on Open Postings for New Year checkbox.

  15. Click OK.

  16. In the Print window, select a destination for generating the Update Budget Distributions report. The report's default file name is ampostdist.rpt.

  17. Click OK to generate the report and update the job postings.

    • The distributions for the job postings on the Update Budget Distributions report will be updated.

    • For information on the report's content, refer to Step 19 of the previous procedure.




Report Only

Checkbox indicating whether to run the reports only for selected options, or to update the job postings. Select the box to run reports only. Clear the box to update the job postings.

Update Fiscal Year on open postings for prior fiscal year with a closing date on or after

Checkbox and date field indicating whether to update the fiscal year from the prior fiscal year to the new fiscal year on job postings with a closing date greater or equal to the entered date. Leaving the date blank will select all prior year job postings. This field is used in conjunction with the Report Only field to determine whether to generate the report without updating the job postings or to update the job postings.

Update Next Year Postings to Current Year

Checkbox indicating whether to update job postings originally entered as next year postings to be classified as current year. This field is used in conjunction with the Report Only field to determine whether to generate the report without updating the job postings or to update the job postings.

Update Budget Distribution on Open Postings for New Year

Checkbox indicating whether to update distributions on job postings that are in the new fiscal year and have key organizations that do not exist in the new year, but are in the Prior Year Organization field of another key organization. Also, if the job posting is associated with a class operating under position control and the distribution has been changed. For Texas customers, the Crosswalk will be used. This field is used in conjunction with the Report Only field to determine whether to generate the report without updating the job postings or to update the job postings.

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