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Bid Award Recommendation Report

Use this option to generate a report to assist you in awarding bids. You can select the specific bids, vendors, and commodities to include in the report, as needed.

  • When you run the report, you can tell the system to automatically award the recommended bids.
  • You can also specify whether the awards or recommendations should be based on unit prices or total prices.

Menu Path:  Vendor Bidding > Reports > Vendor Bidding Reports > Bid Award Recommendation

Generating the Bid Award Recommendation report

  1. Select Vendor Bidding > Reports > Vendor Bidding Reports > Bid Award Recommendation to display the Bid Award Recommendation Report page.

  2. Enter criteria identifying the bids to include.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is awardrec.rpt.

  5. Click OK when the report is complete.





Year that applies to the bid. To search for bids from all years, select the blank from the drop-down list.


Number identifying the bid, in combination with the year. You may use the following to include multiple bids:

  • Less Than (<) - accesses all bids with bid numbers less than the number indicated, for example, <1000.
  • Greater Than (>) - accesses all bids with bid numbers greater than the number indicated, for example, >1000.
  • From-To ( : ) - accesses all bids in a range of bid numbers, for example 1000:1500.
  • Pipe (|) - accesses multiple bids when inserted between bid numbers, for example, 1221|1225|1230.
  • Blank - includes all bids that match your other criteria.

Commodity Code

Number identifying a commodity in the Commodity Codes table.

  • To reference all commodities within a commodity class, enter the class code (the first three digits in a code) followed by an asterisk, for example, 220*.
  • To reference a series of commodities sharing the code's first several digits (characters), enter the digits followed by an asterisk, for example, 220-14*.
  • To include all commodities that apply to the bids, leave the field blank.

Recommendation Method

Selection that determines whether to award bids by unit price or extended (total) price. This field is unlabeled while Commodity/Vendor Report is selected as the Report Type.


Unit cost by item - to award bids based on the lowest unit price.
Extended cost by item - to award bids based on the lowest total price.

Award Recommended ItemsCheckbox for automatically awarding bids based on the report's recommendations. This is only available when Commodity/Vendor Report is selected as the Report Type.
  • To generate a report and award the bids, select the box.
  • To only generate a report, leave the box blank.
Important If you have alternate bids, you should review these carefully beforehand if you want the system to issue the awards. Otherwise, you should leave the checkbox blank and award the bids individually in the Award Vendor Bid Page.

Print Full Commodity Description

Select to print the full commodity description. Otherwise, clear the field.


Enter the location awarded for the report to include. To include all locations, leave blank. Only available when Award by Location Report is selected.

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