Award Vendor Bid Page
Use this page to award bids to vendors. When you award a bid, you change its status from Listed to Awarded. You can use the page to award both regular and alternate bids.
After awarding bids, you can generate the Final Price Catalog option to review pricing and commodity data. You can also distribute this report to requesters to allow them to either add or change requests, now that the actual pricing is known. For details, refer to Final Price Catalog.
Menu Path: Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Vender Bid Information > Award Vendor Bids
Complete the following steps before running the Award Vendor Bids option:
- Use the Vendor Bid Entry option to enter vendors' price information. For details, refer to Vendor Bid Entry Pages.
- Review the Bid Award Recommendation report for recommendations. For details, refer to Bid Award Recommendation Report.
If an alternate bid is entered, the report lists the price in the Alt. Price column instead of the Unit Price column. An alternate bid can also specify a different commodity, quantity, or unit of measure.
Action Bar Items
The Award Vendor Bid page's Action Bar displays the following items after you display a bid's commodities. To use an item, select a commodity, and then click the item.
Full Commodity Description | Displays the Commodity Description page for viewing a commodity's full description. The listing in the Award Vendor Bid page only shows the first line of a commodity's description, whereas the full description can include up to five lines. For additional details, refer to Viewing Full Commodity Descriptions. |
Alt Award | Displays the Multiple Vendor Responses page, which lists all vendor responses for the commodity selected, including both regular and alternate bids. If no bids are listed, then none have been submitted. For additional details, refer to the procedure below on awarding bids using the Alt Award item. |
Following are procedures for awarding bids and alternate bids. Also included is the procedure for "un-awarding" a bid, so that you can select another vendor or modify its requests.
Awarding bids to vendors
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Vender Bid Information > Award Vendor Bids to display the Award Vendor Bid page.
In the Bid Number Selection section, enter a year, and then select a bid
Click OK to display the bid's commodities in the List section.
Select the desired commodity, and then enter the vendor in the Awarded Vendor field.
This entry awards the bid. You cannot award a bid to a vendor that does not have a bid entered for the commodity.
If a commodity has multiple vendors or alternate bids (as identified in the Bid Award Recommendation report), use the Action Bar's Alt Award item. For details, refer to the procedure below for awarding an alternate bid.
Repeat Steps 4-5 for each bid to award.
When you finish, click OK.
In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to save the bid awards.
Click OK when processing is complete.
Awarding alternate bids using the Alt Award item
Complete Steps 1-3 of the procedure for awarding a bid.
Access a commodity that has multiple vendors or alternate bids entered, and then click Alt Award on the Action Bar to display the Multiple Vendor Responses page. The page displays all bids for the commodity, including both regular and alternate responses.
Select the bid to award, which also selects its vendor.
To view the full description of the commodity, click Comments on the Action Bar, which displays the Vendor Bid Text page. Click OK to return to the Multiple Vendor Responses page.Click OK to award the bid and return to the Award Vendor Bids page.
Three fields are affected by your selection:Status
Displays the code Awarded.
Awarded Vendor
Displays the code of the vendor associated with the bid you selected.
Alternate Item
Displays Yes if the bid selected is an alternate bid or No if it is a regular bid.
- Resume the awards process with Step 6 of the previous procedure.
"Un-awarding" a bid
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Vender Bid Information > Award Vendor Bids to display the Award Vendor Bid page.
In the Bid Number Selection section, enter a year, and then select a bid.
Click OK to display the bid's commodities in the List section.
Access the bid to change.
In the Awarded Vendor field, delete the vendor code.
Click OK.
In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to save the change.
Click OK when processing is complete.
Following are descriptions of the fields in the Award Vendor Bids page's Bid Number Selection and List sections.
Field | Description |
Bid Number Selection Section | The following fields identify the bid. When you complete the Year and Bid fields, click OK to list the bid's commodities in the page's List section. |
Year | Year identifying the bid, in combination with the bid number. |
Bid | Select the bid to review. When you enter the bid, its commodities display in the List section. |
Description | Brief description of the bid. Display only. |
Status | Status of the bid. Display only. The only status code that applies to bids in the Award Vendor Bids page is List, which is assigned when you run Vendor Bidding's Bid List option. Bids with a status of Open or Closed cannot be accessed in the Award Vendor Bid page. |
List Section
This section displays the commodities from the bid selected.
Field | Description |
Status | Status of the bid. One of the following status codes can display here: Open - Indicates the bid has not yet been awarded. The only way to change this status is to award the bid to a vendor. Awarded - Indicates the bid or an associated alternate bid is awarded to the vendor identified in the Awarded Vendor field. |
Commodity | Number identifying the commodity in the Commodity Codes table. |
Description | Brief description of the commodity, taken from the first line of the commodity's description. To view a commodity's full description, which can include up to five lines, use the Action Bar's Full Commodity Description item. |
Awarded Vendor | Code identifying the vendor being awarded the bid for the current commodity. The vendor's code can be entered directly or by selecting an alternate bid in the Multiple Vendor Responses page. For details, refer to the procedure above for awarding alternate bids. If a vendor code already appears here, then the bid was previously awarded, either directly in this page or through the Bid Award Recommendation report. Removing the code "un-awards" the bid and allows you to use the Quick Request Entry option to add or change requests. |
Measure | Unit of measurement used to order this commodity, such as DOZEN or EACH. |
Alternate Item | Indicates whether the vendor identified is being awarded an alternate bid. Yes - The bid awarded was an alternate bid. No - The bid awarded was not an alternate bid. |
Quantity Requested | Number of units requested. The quantity defaults from the Bid List and can only be awarded differently through an alternate bid. |
Unit Price | Price per unit as determined by the vendor's bid. Initially, the field defaults to 0.00, but it changes to the actual awarded price when the vendor's number is entered in the Awarded Vendor field. |