Final Price Catalog
Use this option to generate a report showing location requests for awarded bids. A space is provided with each commodity listed for entering quantities that are on hand. It also lists commodities for bids that have not been awarded but without unit prices and extended costs.
The Final Price Catalog can be used to allow locations to modify their requests or add new ones, now that the actual vendor prices are known. After distributing the catalog and receiving new requests, you may need to "un-award" existing bids so that you can modify them. For the procedure, refer to Award Vendor Bid Page.
Menu Path: Vendor Bidding > Reports > Vendor Bidding Reports > Final Price Catalog
Generating the Final Price Catalog report
- Select Vendor Bidding > Reports > Vendor Bidding Reports > Final Price Catalog to display the Final Price Catalog page.
- In the Sort Order section, select:
Commodity Code
Commodity Code With Notes
Commodity Description
Commodity Description With Notes - In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the bids to include.
- Click OK.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name depends on the sort order selected:
Commodity Code with or without Notes finprrptc.rpt
Commodity Description with or without Notes finprrpta.rpt
Report Criteria Section
Field | Description |
Year | Year identifying the bid, in combination with the bid number. |
Bid | Number identifying the bid, in combination with the year. You may use the following to include multiple bids:
Location | Code identifying the requester's location, as defined in Security's Location Codes table. To select multiple locations, insert the pipe symbol between codes, for example,110|140|220. |
Requester | Code identifying the staff member who requested the bid items. To select multiple requesters, insert the pipe symbol between codes, for example, adamsgeo|petroann|zellejan. |