Inventory Transactions
Use this option to generate listings of individual Warehouse Inventory database transactions. You can choose from two different types of reports:
Detail | Covers individual stock item transactions such as requests, back orders, returns, and inventory adjustments. The Detail report shows the effects selected transactions had on related Inventory Catalog records in terms of quantity available, quantity reserved, and quantity back ordered. The report is organized based on the combination of Warehouse Code, Stock Number, and Fiscal Year. |
Summary | Covers inventory level changes for selected stock items within a fiscal year. The Summary report shows the year-to-date quantities purchased, issued, adjusted, and returned to stock for the transactions and catalog records you select. It also includes the total monetary value for each item's available inventory. |
For additional information on transaction records, refer to Inventory Transactions Page.
Menu Path: Warehouse Inventory > Reports > Warehouse Reports > Inventory Transactions
Generating Inventory Transactions reports
- Select Warehouse Inventory > Reports > Warehouse Reports > Inventory Transactions to display the Inventory Transactions Report page.
In the Report Type section, select one of the following:
Generates the Inventory Transaction Detail report.
Generates the Inventory Transaction Summary report.
For descriptions of the two reports, refer above to the introduction.
- In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click OK.
- For descriptions of the search fields, refer below.
- The Transaction Date field is only available if you selected the Detail option.
- If you are running the detail report, you can perform an advanced search using the Advanced button. For details on advanced searches, refer to Inventory Transactions Page.
- In the Report Subtitle dialog, enter a subtitle, and then click OK. You can use up to 60 characters in the subtitle, which will appear in upper case letters below the report's main title.
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name is transdet.rpt for the Detail report and transsum.rpt for the Summary report.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||
Transaction Date | System date when a transaction was entered. This field is only available for the Detail option. You can choose a specific date, or use query symbols to define a range of dates. For example, >04302019 selects all transactions that occurred after April 30, 2019, while 01012019:04302019 selects all transactions from January 1 through April 30, 2019. | ||||||||||||
Warehouse | Code for the warehouse location associated with the transactions you want to include in the report. You can select a specific warehouse from the drop-down list or reference multiple locations by inserting the pipe symbol between their codes, for example, 100|200|300. Leave the field blank to select records from all warehouses. | ||||||||||||
Stock Number | Codes for the stock items associated with the transactions you want to include in the report. If you use a consistent numbering system for your stock items, it becomes easier to select records using standard selection criteria symbols. For example, if the digits 234 at the beginning of codes reference the different types of copy paper you use, enter 234* to select all related items. | ||||||||||||
Transaction Type | Systemdefined codes identifying the types of transactions processed in the Warehouse Inventory System:
You can select a specific transaction type from the drop-down list or reference multiple transaction types by inserting the pipe symbol between their codes. For example, you could select all requests and back orders that were filled by entering F|G. To include all types of transactions in the report, leave the field blank. | ||||||||||||
Units | Number of units involved in the inventory transaction, whether it was a request, back order, adjustment, return to stock, receipt of stock, beginning balance, service order, or fulfillment of a request line item. | ||||||||||||
Unit Price | Price per unit associated with the stock item involved in the transaction. | ||||||||||||
Total Price | Total monetary value of the transaction, as determined by multiplying the Units by the Unit Price. | ||||||||||||
Transaction Reason | Comments entered by employees or messages generated by the system, depending on how the transaction originated.
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Requester | Name, initials, or ID of the person who processed the transactions. This information is stored in the fields of records maintained by the following options:
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Department Billed | Setting indicating whether the transaction has had charges posted to the Fund Accounting System:
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*Budget Unit* | Codes for the low-level Organization Chart records associated with charges for the transactions you want to include in the report. | ||||||||||||
*Project* | Codes for the low-level Project List records associated with charges for the transactions you want to include in the report. This only applies if you use project accounting. | ||||||||||||
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year associated with the transactions you want to select. You can choose a specific year or leave the field blank to select transactions from any fiscal year. | ||||||||||||
Discontinued | Setting indicating whether items are active or discontinued, as determined by the Discontinued checkbox in the Inventory Catalog. Select: