Inventory Transactions Page
Use this page to query your database and generate a list of inventory transaction records. You can search for records using the following as criteria:
Warehouse | Vendor | Fiscal Year | PO Number |
Stock Number | Transaction Type | Budget Unit | PO Line Item |
Ship Code | Transaction Date | Account | Fill ID |
Request Number | Requestor ID | Project | Operator ID |
Request Line Item | Remarks | Project Account |
The Advanced Search page lets you to use an even wider range of criteria. For details on advanced searches, refer to the Procedures section below.
After generating a list of records, you can select an individual transaction and review it in the Detail Inventory Transaction Page.
You also can generate the Inventory Transactions Short Listing report on the records found, as described in the Procedures section. For a report that provides more complete transactions data, refer to Inventory Transactions.
Menu Path
From the Warehouse Inventory menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Detailed Displays menu, select Inventory Transactions.
Run a Standard Search and Display Transaction Records
The Inventory Transactions page's Search Criteria section enables you to search for records based on information stored in the Warehouse Transaction table. This section includes nearly 20 fields, several of which reference other tables.
However, if you need to refine your search further, you should use the Advanced Search page. You can display the page by clicking Advanced in the Inventory Transactions page. For the procedure, refer to the next section, Running an advanced search.
Following are the steps in a standard search:
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list. For information on the search fields, refer to the Fields section.
You can use query symbols in these fields. Leaving all fields blank would select all transactions in your database.- In character fields, you can insert the pipe symbol between entries, for example, 15289|46034|23779|45802.
- You also can use the asterisk in character fields. For example, 125* matches entries that begin with 125, 1257, and 125700. However, the asterisk cannot be used in numeric fields.
- The Date field accepts the following query symbols:
Greater than
>12/31/2018 matches dates after December 31, 2018.
Less than
<07/01/2018 matches dates before July 1, 2018.
01/01/2018:06/30/2018 matches dates from January 1 through June 30, 2018.
- Click Find to display the records in the List section.
- To display a transaction in the Detail Inventory Transaction page, select the record, and then click OK.
For details on this page, refer to Detail Inventory Transaction Page.
Run an Advanced Search and Display a Transaction
The Advanced Search page enables you to select from the various tables referenced in inventory transactions:
Shipping Table | Warehouse Request Header |
Vendor | Warehouse Stock Table |
Warehouse Location Table | Warehouse Transaction Table |
Warehouse Request Detail Line Items |
These same tables are linked to fields in the Inventory Transactions page's Search Criteria section. The difference is, in the Advanced Search page you can search most fields in a table, whereas for the most part the Inventory Transactions page allows you to reference only a few fields per table.
Another advantage of advanced searches is that you can set up groups of statements. Besides enabling you to search multiple fields in multiple tables, you can also connect groups, as well as statements within the groups, to set additional conditions. For example, you can require that records satisfy only one statement in a group or all statements, depending on how you connect them.
Following are the steps in an advanced search:
- In the Search Criteria section, click Advanced to display the Advanced Search page.
In the Advanced Search Criteria section, complete the following fields.
Note that the field titles appear as the first items in the drop-down lists. You must replace these with actual selections, except in the Value field which accepts search data, such as a code, text, or numeric value, depending on your previous selections. Also, the Grouping field displays End by default, though its title is in the list.Area
Select the table being searched.
Select a specific field in the table being searched.
Select the operator to use, such as Equals, Starts With, or Contains.
Value (untitled)
Enter the search data to apply in conjunction with your selections in the previous fields.
Select one of the following:
Includes the previous statement in the same group as the next statement. When statements are connected by And, data in target records must match criteria in all statements in the group.
Includes the previous statement in the same group as the next statement. When statements are connected by Or, data in target records can match criteria in any statement in the group.
New - And
Ends the previous group and begins a new one on the next line. When groups are connected by New-And, data in target records must match criteria in all of the groups.
New - Or
Ends the previous group and begins a new one on the next line. When groups are connected by New-Or, data in target records can match criteria in any of the groups.
Ends the criteria for either a line, group, or series of groups.
Using And and Or in combination, as well as their New equivalents, can be tricky, so carefully consider the logic involved.- If you selected End in the Grouping field, press <Tab> to complete your criteria, and proceed to Step 5.
If you selected an option other than End, press <Tab> to display a new line of fields, and then repeat Steps 3 to enter the next statement.
For an example of a set of advanced criteria statements, refer below. - After completing the desired number of statements, click OK to run the search, close the window, and return to the Inventory Transactions page. The records that match your criteria will display in the page's List section.
You also can use the Advanced Search page's Load button to load an existing search or Save to save your current criteria for future searches. - To display a transaction in the Detail Inventory Transaction page, select the record, and then click OK.
For details on this page, refer to Detail Inventory Transaction Page.
Following is an example of a set of advanced search criteria statements:
Area | Item | Operation | Value | Grouping |
Warehouse Transaction Table | Budget Unit Charged | Equals | 100200300400 | And |
Warehouse Transaction Table | Transaction Date | On or After | 01/01/2018 | And |
Vendor | Vendor Number | Equals | 2350 | Or |
Vendor | Vendor Number | Equals | 4280 | End |
This search, which includes just one group of statements, will list all transactions for vendors 2350 and 4280 charged to budget unit 100200300400 since the start of the 2019 calendar year. Note that using And-And or And-Or in place of End in the last field would have allowed setting up another group of statements.
Generate the Inventory Transactions Short Listing Report
This report includes the records displayed in the Inventory Transactions page's List section and covers the same data.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button. For the procedures, refer above.
- Click Print
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is invtrans.rpt.
Following are descriptions of the fields in the Inventory Transactions page's Search Criteria and List sections. Several of these fields only display in the Search Criteria section, as noted in their descriptions.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Warehouse | Code identifying the location where the stock item is stored. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stock Number | Number identifying the stock item, as defined in the Stock Item table. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ship Code | Code identifying the location for delivering the line item, as defined in Purchasing's Shipping table. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Request | Number identifying a request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line Item | Number identifying a line item in a request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vendor | Code identifying a vendor, as defined in Accounting's Vendor List. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Code identifying a specific type of transaction. Following are the selections on the field's drop-down list, as well as the source of each type of transaction:
Select a code, or insert the pipe symbol between codes, for example, . | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Date | Date the transaction was processed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Requestor | ID or name of the employee responsible for the transaction. This corresponds to fields such as Received By and Adjusted By, depending on the original option used to process the transaction. This is not the same as the Operator ID, (refer below). The Requestor field only displays in the Search Criteria section. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Remarks | Comment or note on the transaction entered by the employee. The field also displays systemgenerated messages identifying the options used to process the transactions. This field only displays in the Search Criteria section. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year associated with the transaction. To search for records based on both the fiscal year and period, use the Advanced Search page. In the List section, this field is titled Year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Budget Unit* | Code identifying the Expenditure Ledger low organization charged for the transaction. The field's title is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Account | Code identifying the Expenditure Ledger account charged for the transaction in combination with the low organization code. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*Project* | Code identifying the low-level project in the Project Ledger charged for the transaction. This field and the next only apply if you use project accounting. The field's title is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Account | Code identifying the account in the Project Ledger charged for the transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchase Order | Number identifying a purchase order. This field only displays in the Search Criteria section. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Purchase Line Item | System-generated number identifying a line item on the purchase order. This field only displays in the Search Criteria section. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fill ID | Systemgenerated number issued when a request is filled. This field only displays in the Search Criteria section. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Operator | Login ID of the operator who processed the transaction. This field only displays in the Search Criteria section. |