Detail Inventory Transaction Page
Use this page to view details on a transaction record selected in the Inventory Transactions page. The information displayed includes the following, depending on the transaction processed:
Warehouse Code | Quantity | Transaction Date | PO Number |
Stock Number | Total Price | Transaction Type | PO Line Item |
Shipping Code | Unit Costs | Fiscal Year | Purchase Quantity |
Vendor | Requestor | Budget Unit | Billed Flag |
Request | Operator | Account | Billing Period |
Request Line Item | Fill ID | Project | |
Unit Price | Last Year Use | Project Account |
Menu Path: Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Inventory Transactions > search for and select a transaction, and then click OK
Viewing a transaction
- Select Warehouse Inventory > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Inventory Transactions to display the Inventory Transactions page.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button. For the procedures for performing searches, refer to the previous section, Inventory Transactions Page.
- In the List section, select a transaction, and click OK to display the Detail Inventory Transaction page.
- After reviewing the transaction, click Back to return to the Inventory Transactions page.
Following are the fields in the Detail Inventory Transaction page. Note that data only displays in the fields that apply to the transaction selected.
Field | Description |
Warehouse | Code identifying the location where the stock item is stored. |
Stock Number | Number identifying the stock item, as stored in the Stock Number table. |
Ship Code | Code identifying the location where the stock item was shipped. |
Vendor | Code identifying a vendor, as defined in Fund Accounting's Vendor List. |
Request | Number identifying a request. |
Request Item | Number identifying a line item on a request. |
Unit Price | Dollar and cents amount charged for a single unit of the stock item. The unit of measurement should be defined in either Warehouse Inventory's Inventory Catalog or Purchasing's Commodity Codes table. |
Quantity | Number of units of the stock item ordered. |
Total Price | Total cost of the stock items, as determined by the following formula: Total Price = Quantity x Unit Cost. |
Unit Costs | Per unit charge representing the costs of warehousing and distributing an item. This only applies if you mark up the price of items to cover these costs. The system recalculates the unit cost based on its average price and the markup factor from the item's Stock Number record. |
Requestor | ID or name of the employee responsible for the transaction. This corresponds to fields such as Received By and Adjusted By, depending on the original option used to process the transaction. This is not the same as the Operator ID, refer below, which is system-generated. |
Remarks | Comment or note on the transaction entered by the employee. The field also may display systemgenerated messages identifying the options used to process the transactions. |
Operator | Login ID of the operator who processed the transaction. |
Fill ID | System-generated number issued when a request is filled. |
Last Year Use | Number of units of the stock item ordered in the previous year. This quantity, which includes fill request and back order data, is generated at the close of the fiscal year using Warehouse Inventory's Year End Procedures option. |
Transaction Date | Date the transaction was processed. |
Transaction Type | Code identifying the type of transaction: A - Adjust available |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year associated with the transaction. |
*Budget Unit* | Code identifying the Expenditure Ledger low organization charged for the transaction. The field's title is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile. |
Account | Code identifying the Expenditure Ledger account charged for the transaction in combination with the low organization code. |
*Project* | Code identifying the low-level project in the Project Ledger charged for the transaction. This field and the next only apply if you use project accounting. The field's title is defined in the Fund Accounting Profile. |
Account | Code identifying the account in the Project Ledger charged for the transaction. |
Purchase Order | Number identifying a purchase order. |
Purchase Item | System-generated number identifying a line item on the purchase order. |
Purchase Quantity | Number of units ordered, as specified on the purchase order. |
Billed | Setting indicating whether the transaction's charges were interfaced with Fund Accounting using the Process General Ledger Charges option. The following codes may appear here: Y - Billed - Charges from the transaction have been interfaced. |
Billing Period | Fiscal year period when charges for the transaction were interfaced. |