Location Crosswalk Page
On this page:
Use the Location Crosswalk item on the Bid Catalog Information page's Action Bar to associate bid request locations with the locations where orders are shipped. Four tables are involved in this process:
Tables | Systems | Table Function |
Location Codes | Security | Defines locations for placing bid requests. |
Shipping Codes | Purchasing and Warehouse Inventory | Defines locations for receiving shipments. |
Default Location Crosswalk | Vendor Bidding | Cross-references the two types of locations. |
Catalog | Vendor Bidding | Stores the location references, including changes and additions. |
Menu Path: Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information search for and select a bid record > click Location Crosswalk on the Action Bar
Action Bar Item
After you generate a list of location references, the following item displays on the Location Crosswalk page's Action Bar:
Load | Displays the Crosswalk Load page. When you enter a year and bid number, the system copies the location references from the Default Location Crosswalk table to the bid identified. |
This item replaces the location references in a bid with those stored in the Default Location Crosswalk table. Before running the Load option, check the table to verify the references that will be applied.
Associating Bid Locations with Shipping Locations
The Vendor Bidding System controls the submission of bid requests through Security's Location Codes table. Personnel who enter requests must have security resources for one or more of the locations defined in this table.
Since bid locations often differ from the ones where orders are shipped, the system requires two additional tables: Shipping Codes, which is shared by Purchasing and Warehouse Inventory, and Default Location Crosswalk, which is used exclusively by Vendor Bidding.
The Default Location Crosswalk table correlates the locations from the Location Codes table with those in the Shipping Codes table.
- If a bid requires a unique location to shipping code combination, use the Location Crosswalk option to change the bid's current default. For details, refer to Default Location Crosswalk Table.
- If you copied a bid and want to reset its location to the one stored in the Default Location Crosswalk table, use the Load option to restore the values from the table.
Listing bid request and shipping location references
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display Bid Catalog Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
Select a bid, and then click OK.
Click Location Crosswalk on the Action Bar to display the Location Crosswalk page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the locations to list, and then click Find. The locations display in the page's List section.
Adding location references
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display Bid Catalog Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
Select a bid, and then click OK.
Click Location Crosswalk on the Action Bar to display the Location Crosswalk page.
Click Add New to access the page's Crosswalk Data section.
Complete the section's fields. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
Click OK to save the record.
If the Continuous checkbox is selected, you return to the Year field to enter another record. If you are finished, click Back. Otherwise, you return to the Search Criteria section.
Updating a location reference
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display Bid Catalog Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
Select a bid, and then click OK.
Click Location Crosswalk on the Action Bar to display the Location Crosswalk page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the locations to list, and then click Find. The locations display in the page's List section.
Select a location, and then click OK.
In the Crosswalk Data section, change the fields as needed.
Click OK to save the record and return to the List section.
Repeat Steps 6-8 for each location to update.
When you finish, click Back twice to close the page.
Deleting location references
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display Bid Catalog Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
Select a bid, and then click OK.
Click Location Crosswalk on the Action Bar to display the Location Crosswalk page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the locations to list, and then click Find. The locations display in the page's List section.
Select the location to delete, and then click Delete.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Repeat Steps 6-7 for each location being deleted.
When you finish, click Back twice to close the page.
Loading references from the Default Location Crosswalk table into a bid
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display Bid Catalog Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
Select a bid, and then click OK.
Click Location Crosswalk on the Action Bar to display the Location Crosswalk page.
Click Load on the Action Bar to display the Crosswalk Load page.
In the Year field, you may accept the default or enter another year.
In the Bid field, enter the number identifying the bid to load.
Click OK.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to execute the load.
Generating the Location Crosswalk report of location references
Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display Bid Catalog Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
Select a bid, and then click OK.
Click Location Crosswalk on the Action Bar to display the Location Crosswalk page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the locations to list, and then click Find. The locations display in the List section.
Click Print.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is crosswlk.rpt.
Search Criteria, List, and Crosswalk Data Sections
Field | Description |
Year | Year identifying the bid, in combination with the bid number. |
Bid | Number identifying the bid, in combination with the year. |
Location | Identifies the location for placing bid requests, as defined in Security's Location Codes table. |
Ship Code | Identifies the shipping location, as defined in Purchasing's Shipping Codes table. You can use shipping locations multiple times, but each bid location can have only one record. |