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Start New Order

To shop online, a user can initiate a shopping order by displaying the Start New Order page. This page allows users to chose a vendor and then enter basic details for placing an order. When users submit this information, VPO connects them with the vendor's shopping site where they can select products as they would on any other online business-to-consumer site. After the user checks out, a confirmation window displays in VPO providing the number of the requisition created in the PowerSchool ERP Purchasing system.

Menu Path:  To access the Start New Order page, a user can use one of the following paths:

  • In VPO, select Start New Order on the Employee Tasks menu.
  • In PowerSchool ERP, select Purchasing > Entry & Processing > Requisition Processing > Requisitions, and then click Punchout Shopping on the Requisition Listing page's Action Bar. The availability of this option depends on the user's security and also on whether the VPO administrator has provided the user with access to this item.

Entering a new order in VPO

  1. To display the Start New Order page, the user will select Start New Order on VPO's Employee Tasks menu. The path for accessing VPO from PowerSchool ERP is provided above.
  2. On the Start New Order page, the user will select a vendor in the Vendor Interface field and then enter the information for the new order.
  3. After completing the required information, the user will click Submit to Vendor to access the vendor's shopping site.
  4. The user will then select the items they wish to purchase. Each vendor site differs in terms of the procedure. Usually, the user will go through a checkout process to complete the purchases.

Once the user has checked out of the shopping site, a processing page will display. When the order has been successfully processed, a confirmation window will display listing the number of the requisition created in PowerSchool ERP's Purchasing system

The order will now appear on the View My Orders page. Once any required approvals are completed in PowerSchool ERP, the administrator can convert the requisition into a purchase order.

For information on the processes in PowerSchool ERP, refer to Requisition and Purchase Order Processing.


Following are descriptions of the fields in the Start New Order page.



Vendor Interface

Select the vendor whose site the user will access in order to shop, as defined in VPO's Add Vendor Definition.


Number identifying the vendor. This is based on the Vendor Interface field and cannot be changed.

Indicates the approval level for the order. These options are populated by the Approvals table in Purchasing. As indicated by the asterisks, the title of this field is user defined in PowerSchool ERP.


Date the order is processed. The system will default to the current date if field is left blank.


Date the order is required.

Ship To

Indicates the location the order should be shipped to. The field's options are populated by the Shipping Codes table in Purchasing.


Method of shipment for the requested items. Character/35

You can enter a generic method, such as Vendor Delivery or Motor Freight, or specify a carrier, such as UPS or Jones Trucking.


Any comment associated with the order. Character/200


Title, name, or department of the requester.


Building or department name identifying the location where the shipment should be directed once it is received.

Identifies the organization for distributing the order's expenses in Fund Accounting. The field's options are populated by Fund Accounting's Expenditure ledger. As indicated by the asterisks, the title of this field is user defined in PowerSchool ERP.

Default Account

Identifies the account for distributing the order's expenses in Fund Accounting. The field's options are based on the option selected in the Default *Budget Unit* field.

Default Project

Identifies the project for distributing the order's expenses Fund Accounting. The field's options are populated by Fund Accounting's Project ledger. As indicated by the asterisks, the title of this field is user defined in PowerSchool ERP. This field only applies if your organization uses project accounting.

Default Account

Identifies the project account for distributing the expenses for the order. These field's options depend on the option selected in the Default *Project* field. This field only applies if your organization uses project accounting.

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