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User Options

Your organization can authorize VPO access enabling users to shop online with vendors that are set up for this purpose. Once the user submits an order, a requisition will be created. VPO users can view the orders they have submitted and determine the status of the orders. They can also re-submit orders that contained errors.

Users can access the web portion of VPO using a URL provided by your organization. Designated users can also submit new orders by using the Punchout Shopping item on the Requisition Listing pages' Action Bar in PowerSchool ERP. Access to this item is determined by the Punchout Button in PowerSchool ERP checkbox in the user's User Maintenance page. For details, refer to User Maintenance.

When you log into VPO, the Employee Tasks menu displays in the panel on the left-hand side. The options on this menu are detailed in the following sections.

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