Updating Commodity Prices
Use the Update Bid Catalog Item page to change the price of a commodity that has been added to a bid. The price entered does not affect the commodity's price in the Commodity Codes table, but only applies to the bid.
Menu Path: Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information > search for and select a bid > click OK to display the bid's commodities > select a commodity > click OK
Determining Prices
The price that displays in Update Bid Catalog Item page depends on the following:
- If the commodity was added to the bid individually using the Link Commodity or + Commodity item, the last price paid defaults from the Commodity Codes table.
- If the commodity was added to the bid using the + Class item, the price is either the last price paid or last price bid for the commodity, plus any increase that may have been added.
The type of price (paid or bid) depends on the selection entered for the commodity's class in the Adding Commodities by Class page's Estimated Price Method field. A percentage increase can also be added in this page. - In either case, the default price may have been changed at some point following the item's addition to the bid.
Updating a commodity's price
- Select Vendor Bidding > Entry & Processing > Bid Information > Bid Catalog Information to display the Bid Catalog Information page.
- In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the bids to list, and then click Find.
- In the List section, select the bid that contains the commodity to update.
- Click OK to display the bid's commodities in the section at the bottom of the page.
- Select the commodity to update, and then click OK to display the Update Bid Catalog Item page.
- In the Price field, change the displayed price as needed.
- Click OK to save the change and close the page.
- To change the price of another commodity for the same bid, repeat Steps 5-7.