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Workflow Roles

Workflow Roles are customizable by district or building. Roles can be defined by specific positions, such as a Principal, or by departments, such as Finance. The same Workflow Role can be assigned to multiple Groups.

The Roles include Primary and Alternate members. A Primary is required, but Alternates are optional. Creating Alternates allows a district or building to delegate Workflow tasks to different employees.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Workflow. From the Workflow menu, select Workflow Setup, then select the Workflow Roles tab.

How Workflow Roles Work

A Workflow Role is a group of users that can act as approvers within a specified Workflow Group. 

Create a Workflow Role

  1. Choose the Workflow Task Setup page and select the Workflow Roles tab.

  2. Click Create Role.

  3. Complete the following fields under the Workflow Role Information section:

    • Enter the Workflow Role Title.

    • Status is set to Active by default.

  4. Select the Role Members:

    • Enter the Employee Number or Use the Lookup option to search by Employee Name. When using the Lookup option, find the correct employee and click Select.

    • Select P - Primary for the Role Member. A Primary member is required for every Workflow Role. If only adding a Primary member, proceed to Step 7.

  5. If needed, click the Add button to create more Role Members. Repeat Step 4 to add a member.

  6. Select A – Alternate for the additional Role Member.

  7. Click Save.

Display and Edit a Workflow Role

  1. Choose the Workflow Task Setup page and select the Workflow Roles tab.

  2. Select the Workflow Role to view/edit. Optionally, use the Filter option to search for Roles by Title or Status. Note: When using the Filter option, do not use wildcard characters in the search bar. The software automatically searches for the closest results.

  3. On the Workflow Role Detail page, you may do the following:

    • Change the Workflow Role Title

    • Set Status to Active or Inactive

    • Add or remove Role Members

    • Change Role Member status to Primary or Alternate

  4. If making edits, click Update. If only viewing, click Back to Workflow Role List or Cancel.

Delete a Workflow Role

  1. Open the Workflow Task Setup page and select the Workflow Roles tab.

  2. Select the Status toggle to change it to Inactive.

  3. Click Remove.

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