Invoices Email Tab
Use this tab to define the information that appears in the email notifications sent to users who process uploaded invoices and to vendors. Each workflow type can have a notification set up with its own subject and body. Use variables to customize the body of an email, for example, to identify the records that require action and specify other information relevant to the notification. The text entered in the Subject field appears as either the subject line of the email or the description of the activity.
In general, VAC invoice workflow consists of two workflow types. One type is a notification that requires an action to be performed. The other is a notification of the action that has been taken. Since the processing of invoices allows for different types of action, the workflow allows notifications to be set up for each type of action.
Menu Path
From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Profiles menu, select Workflow Configuration Profile. On the Workflow Configuration page, from the Vendor Access Center menu, select Invoices.
Action Buttons
The following action buttons appear on the page:
Apply | Saves your settings. |
Undo | Resets any changes you made after the last time you clicked Apply. |
Use the variables defined on the Invoices Email tab in the subject and body for each workflow notification. When the email or activity is sent, the variable is replaced with the data pertaining to the workflow. Use as many or as few variables as you want, according to your organization's preferences.
_PoNo | The purchase order number associated with the invoice. |
_Invoice | The invoice number. |
_Amount | The amount of the invoice. |
_VendorNo | The vendor number associated with the invoice. |
_VendorName | The vendor name associated with the invoice. |
_DueDate | The due date of the invoice. |
_InvoiceDate | The invoice date. |
_Comment | The comment entered by the user who denied the invoice in the core software. |
_URL | The link to the invoice processing page. This opens:
_VACURL | The unique district link to log in to VAC. |
_CrLf | Allows you to designate a new line for the body of your email if your browser doesn't allow you to enter one. |
Invoice Workflow Types
Configure workflow notifications on the Invoices Email tab, which uses settings from the Invoices Forms tab to determine which notifications to deliver.
Notification Type | Description | Action Required? |
Needs Approval | This workflow initiates when a vendor submits a new invoice. Users who process invoices receive this notification based on settings on the Invoices Forms tab. | Yes |
Invoice Received | This workflow initiates when an invoice is successfully uploaded by a vendor. Vendors receive this notification based on settings on the Invoices Forms tab. | No |
Processing Invoice | This workflow initiates when an invoice has been processed by a user into a post accounts payable or batch accounts payable record. Vendors receive this notification based on settings on the Invoice Forms tab. | No |
Invoice Rejected | This workflow initiates when a user deletes an invoice uploaded by a vendor. Vendors receive this notification based on settings on the Invoice Forms tab. The invoice is removed from VAC and the vendor can upload a replacement invoice. | Yes |
Field | Description |
Subject | The text that appears in the subject line of the email notification and in the activity. You can define a different subject line for each workflow type. |
Body | The text that appears in the body of the email notification. You can define a different body message for each workflow type. |