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System Options Tab

Use this tab to determine the system modules that should be interfaced with Fund Accounting, the numbering conventions to apply for journal entries, vendors, and budget transfers, the method for recording Expenditure and Revenue Ledger records in financial transactions, and settings for balancing journal entries between multiple funds.


The System Options tab is divided into three sections: System Modules Installed, Numbering Options, and Miscellaneous. Following are descriptions for each section's fields.

System Modules Installed Section

The following checkboxes determine the modules you have installed that should be interfaced with the Fund Accounting System.




Checkbox determining whether the Purchasing System is installed. Select the box if your site uses Purchasing.

Fixed Assets

Checkbox determining whether the Fixed Assets System is installed. Select the box if your site uses Fixed Assets.

Inventory Control

Checkbox determining whether the Warehouse Inventory System is installed. Select the box if your site uses Warehouse Inventory.

Vendor Bidding

Checkbox determining whether the Vendor Bidding System is installed. Select the box if your site uses Vendor Bidding.

Numbering Options Section

The following fields determine numbering options for journal entries, vendors, and budget transfers:



User Assigned JE Number

Checkbox determining whether journal entry numbers are user or system-assigned. Select the box for user-assigned journal entry numbers. For system-assigned journal entry numbers, leave the field blank.

Next JE Number

Number the system will use for the next journal entry added in the current fiscal year. This setting only applies if the User Assigned JE Number checkbox is not selected.

After you run Fund Accounting's fiscal year-end procedures, update this field with your new-year numbering sequence if necessary.

Sep Seq for Last Yr JE Nums

Checkbox determining whether to use a separate numbering sequence for journal entries entered in the current fiscal year versus those entered in Period 13 of the previous fiscal year. Select the box if you want to keep the current year's numbering sequence separate from last year's.

  • If you select the box, you can reuse numbers in the previous fiscal year that were already assigned to current year journal entries.
  • If the box is blank, the system refers to the current year sequence, but this is only if you use system-assigned numbering for journal entries.

Next JE Number Last Yr

Number the system will use for the next journal entry added in the previous fiscal year. This setting only applies if the Sep Seq for Last Yr JE Nums checkbox is selected, and you use system-assigned journal entry numbers.

Following is the procedure for maintaining your journal entry numbering sequence when you start a new fiscal year in Fund Accounting:

  1. Before running procedures in the Fiscal Year End Processing center, make note of the value in the Fund Accounting Profile's Next JE Number field.
  2. If you have not already done so, run a Final Close for the previous fiscal year.
  3. Complete year-end procedures in Fund Accounting to create the new fiscal year.
  4. In the Fund Accounting Profile's Next JE Number Last Yr field, enter the value that was in the Next JE Number field.

User Assigned Vendor Numbers

Checkbox determining whether numbers are user or system-assigned for records added to the Vendor List. Select the box for user-assigned vendor numbers. For system-assigned vendor numbers, leave the box blank.

Next Vendor Number

Number the system will use for the next vendor added to the Vendor List. This setting only applies if the User Assigned Vendor Numbers checkbox is not selected.

User Assigned BT Numbers

Checkbox determining whether numbers are user or system-assigned for budget transfer records. Select the box for user-assigned numbers. For system-assigned numbers, leave the box blank.

Next Budget Transfer Number

Number the system will use for the next budget transfer that is added. This setting only applies if you use system-assigned budget transfer numbering, as determined by the User Assigned BT Numbers checkbox.

After you run Fund Accounting's fiscal year-end procedures, update this field with your new-year numbering sequence if necessary.

User Assigned Key OrganizationsCheckbox determining whether the organization key will be user or system-assigned for the account number. Select the box for user-assigned key. For system-assigned keys, leave the box blank.
Next Key OrganizationEnter the number to be used as the next key organization. Required if User Assigned Key Organization is not checked.

Miscellaneous Section

The following fields determine the method for recording Expenditure and Revenue Ledger records in financial transactions and settings for balancing journal entries between multiple funds:



Full Account Format

22.4 and later.

Select this option to use the flexible account format for data entry and on reports. The school district administrators can define the Full Account format with all reporting levels including the object with the title. When Full Account Format is selected for entry, the district can define the full account format for each type of account. For example, expenditure account string format may be fund, function, object, location, subject area, and program but the revenue and balance sheet account format may only be fund and account code. The user will first specify the type of account (expenditure, revenue, and balance sheet) to ensure that the PowerSchool ERP can format it properly.

A full account mask defines the format you want to use as a single code for recording accounting information throughout PowerSchool ERP applications. The format is set up using the Fund Accounting Profile page's Translation Item.

Leave the checkbox blank to identify ledger records using the budget unit and account code during data entry.

Key Organ. Sum of Parts

Checkbox determining whether the system checks the code for each Organization Chart record at your lowest reporting level to see if it has the correct combination of higher-level codes tied to it.

Select the box if the system should check Key Organization codes in this manner. Otherwise, leave it blank.

Example: The Key Organ Sum of Parts field is selected checked, and your Organization Chart uses five reporting levels. You want to add a record at the lowest level that is associated with code 110 at Level 1, 10 at Level 2, 100 at Level 3, and 4000 at Level 4. When you add the Level 5 record, you mistakenly enter a Key Organization of 100101004000. The system prevents you from saving the record because the code does not match the combination of higher level records tied to it. The first three digits should be 110, not 100.

Auto Balance Journal Entries

Checkbox determining whether you use automatic interfund balancing for journal entries. If you select the box, the system creates balancing journal entries automatically using the To/From Account field whenever you add a journal entry between multiple funds.

If you leave the box blank, the system requires you to enter the appropriate balancing debits and credits manually.

To Or From Account

Account used for debits and credits when balancing interfund journal entries are created by the system. This must be a valid asset or liability account. If the Auto Balance Journal Entries field is not selected, you do not need to enter an account in this field.

If a balancing entry is needed for a fund that is not already tied to the To/From Account in the General Ledger, the system will also automatically create the necessary General Ledger record. For batch and template journal entries, the General Ledger record is created when you post the journal entry.

Create Clearing Entries for AP Interfund

22.4 and later.

Checkbox to create clearing entries for interfund entries created during payables check printing. This option appears only if Cash Interfund Balancing is enabled.

Budget Transfer Or Adjustment Approvals

Checkbox determining whether approvals are required for batch budget transfers and adjustments. Select the box to require approvals. Otherwise leave it blank.

If the box is selected, approvers and approval levels must be defined in the Approval and Account Approval tables shared by Fund Accounting and Purchasing. This information is entered in the Batch Transfer/Adjustment tabs of the Approval Information and Account Approval Table pages.

When a batch transfer or adjustment is posted in this case, the batch will be routed to an approval process similar to the one used in Accounts Payable and Requisitions/Purchase Orders. Once final approval is granted to an adjustment or transfer, the system posts the batch record.

Exceed Payroll Budget

Checkbox determining whether a payroll expense can exceed budget when the budget unit's Check Budget Balance field in the Organization Chart is set to F - Fatal.

  • If the box is selected, the system provides a warning in the Automated Payroll Interface option but allows the expenditure to be charged to the budget unit (low organization).
  • If the box is not selected, the system will not allow a payroll expense to exceed budget, in which case either another budget unit/account combination must be entered or a budget transfer or adjustment needs to be made in order to post the automated payroll interface batch.
Cash Interfund BalancingCheckbox to create interfund balancing journal entries for transactions that affect cash.
Create Clearing Entries for Payroll Interfund
22.4 and later.

Checkbox to create clearing entries for interfund entries created during payroll check printing. This option appears only if Cash Interfund Balancing is enabled.

Initiate Budget Transfer

Checkbox allowing users to transfer funds when an expense in Purchasing or Accounts Payable exceeds budget and the Organization Chart's Check Budget Balance field (purchase orders) or Pre-encumber Requisitions field (requisitions) is set to W - Warning or F - Fatal.

  • If the box is selected and the setting is W - Warning, a message displays when the expense is entered, asking if the user wants to run the Batch Budget Transfer option to transfer funds to the budget unit/account being charged. With the W - Warning setting, users can still save a transaction that exceeds budget. They can also change the budget unit/account, if needed.
  • If the box is selected and the Check Budget Balance field is set to F - Fatal, the result is the same as when the field is set to W - Warning, except the user cannot save an expense that exceeds budget. Instead, a new budget unit/account must be entered.
    Leaving the box blank disables the budget transfer feature in Purchasing and Accounts Payable for all users.

To access the Budget Transfer option, users must have security for budget transfers.

Balance Sheet Options Section

22.4 and later.

The following fields are related to balance sheet options:

Use Fund OnlyCheck this box to create balance sheet accounts with only fund and account; if unchecked balance sheet accounts can contain additional components.
Additional Component for Balancing General Ledger
  • Displays the different reporting levels within the organization chart. If the district needs to balance their balance sheet on an organization reporting level in addition to fund, the user can select another level of the organization from the drop-down list.
  • The selected additional component cannot be a fund.

  • The selected additional component cannot be the lowest level of the organization code.

Use Additional Component for Payroll Fund and Disbursement FundsCheck this box to allow the additional component to be used for balancing payroll and disbursement funds.
Use Employee's Charging Fund for Payroll Liabilities (Not Payroll Fund)Check this box to ensure that a payroll fund is not used for payroll liabilities.
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