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User Maintenance

Use this selection on the Administration menu to look up and select a user in Employee Access Center and then perform one of the following maintenance functions:

  • Reset a user's EAC password. For related information, refer to the section below on Password Requirements
  • Reset a user's security questions to require the user to answer their questions the next time they log into EAC. For related information, refer to Set Up Security.
  • Assign a privilege status to a user, such as Administrator or Blocked User.
  • Reset a user's enrollment status if the employee's open enrollment selections have not yet been posted to PowerSchool ERP. For related information, refer to Annual Enrollment Post.
  • Allow a user to impersonate other employees in EAC.
  • View the time/date an employee had their account locked.

Searching for and selecting a user

  1. Select User Maintenance from the Administration menu.
  2. Select one of the following radio buttons as your search method:
    Search By Name - Displays the First Name and Last Name boxes for entering search criteria. For example, you could enter JOHN in the Last Name box to find all last names beginning with these characters, including JOHNS and JOHNSON. Entering J would find all users whose last names begin with J.
    Search By ID - Displays the ID No (Number) box for entering a specific identification number. For example, 101 would find the user who has this number assigned as their employee ID.
    Search By Email Address - Displays the Email Address box for entering part of an email address as criteria or an employee's complete email address. For example, william could match and
  3. Enter search criteria depending on your search method, as outlined in Step 2.
  4. Click Search.
  5. If a specific user is found, the employee's information will display below the search section.
    If more than one user matches your search criteria, a box displays listing all of the matching employees. Select the employee you want, and then click Edit to display the user's information below the search section.
  6. Continue by following the appropriate procedure below.

Resetting a user's password

  1. Complete the procedure on searching for and selecting a user.
  2. In the User Password field, enter a new password. This password should be considered temporary, and the user should be urged to set up a new password immediately after accessing EAC. For information on passwords, refer to the Password Requirements section below.
  3. To ensure another level of security, select the Reset Security Questions checkbox. This will require the user to answer their security questions after entering their temporary password and before being able to access EAC.
  4. Click Reset Password.

Assigning a privilege status to a user

  1. Complete the procedure on searching for and selecting a user.
  2. In the Privilege Status field, select one of the following
    EAC User - Enables an employee to run EAC's employee tasks.
    Administrator - Enables an employee to run EAC's administrative tasks, as well as its employee tasks.
    Blocked User - Prevents an employee from accessing EAC. This status can be assigned to suspend EAC privileges for a current employee or to prevent a terminated employee from accessing the system. Terminated employees can also be blocked from EAC by setting the following option to No: Administration Menu > Profile > Login Setup > 2124 - Allow Terminated employees to log in.
  3. Click Save.

Reset a user's Enrollment Status

This procedure allows a user to update their open enrollment elections as long as their previous selections have not been posted.

  1. Complete the procedure on searching for and selecting a user.
  2. In the User Status section, click Reset Confirmation.

Enable an EAC user to impersonate other users

This procedure enables a user to access EAC records for other users to perform maintenance and support functions.

  1. Complete the procedure on searching for and selecting a user.
  2. In the User Options section, select the EAC Impersonation checkbox.
  3. Click Save.

Password Requirements

The complexity of the passwords in EAC depends on how EAC is configured in the Profile > Login Setup option. Following are some of the rules that could be in effect:

  • Password Length - As a default, the system requires at least 4 characters in a password, but the minimum can be set as high as 16 characters.
  • Lower Case - Passwords may be required to include at least one lower case (non-capital) letter.
  • Upper Case - Passwords may be required to include at least one upper case (capital) letter.
  • Special Characters - Passwords may be required to include at least one special character, for example, #, &, or $.
  • Numbers - Passwords may be required to include at least one numeric character.

There are several rules that apply regardless of how EAC is configured:

  • The password function is case sensitive. For example, if a password is BwoX18#4, the B and X must always be capitalized, and the w and o must always be entered in lower case.
  • User cannot use their 5 most recent passwords. 
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