Workflow Applications
The following Workflow Applications are available for Advanced Workflow:
Employee Expense
Employee Termination
Job Requisition
Journal Entry
Leave Request
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order
Menu Path
From the System Administration menu, select Workflow. From the Workflow menu, select Workflow Setup. Select the Workflow Applications tab.
Workflow Application Defaults
Workflow Applications have predefined default approval levels. Administrators may add, remove, or edit labels for approval levels for the district by using the associated third-party interface. Contact your PowerSchool ERP Account Representative for assistance if needed.
After you make any modifications to Workflow Applications in the third-party interface, click Sync Applications to apply the changes.
Applications and Default Approval Levels
Application | Default Approval Levels |
Employee Expense | 2 |
Employee Termination | 4 |
Job Requisition | 2 |
Leave Request | 2 |
Purchase Requisition | 6 |
Purchase Order | 6 |
Journal Entry | 3 It is recommended to apply account approvals in Level 1. For details, refer to the Journal Entry Special Consideration section of this page. |
Create or Edit Rules
Before assigning rules, you must create Workflow Roles and Workflow Groups.
Assign rules to each Workflow Application to define how to route approvals.
On the Workflow Setup page, select the Workflow Applications tab, then select an Application Title. A summary appears and indicated if rules have been assigned.
Select an approval level to display the detail page.
Complete the following fields in the Workflow Application Information section:
Approval Required for Task: Indicates if the approval level is required to move the item forward in the approval process. This option is selected by default. To skip an approval level, clear the checkbox.
Default Approver: Identifies a Workflow Role to which items will be assigned if Approval Level Required for Task is selected and the items do not meet the defined rules for any Workflow Group and Workflow Roles combination.
In the Workflow Task Responsibility section, assign as many combinations of Workflow Groups and Workflow Roles as needed. These combinations direct approval notifications to users.
Click Save.
Default Approver
The Default Approver allows districts to process required approval requests that cannot be routed by the defined Workflow Groups and Roles. This assignment may help to catch gaps in the setup and ensures that approval items do not get stuck in the process because no approver is identified by the rules. This field is required if Approver Required for Task is selected.
Journal Entry Special Consideration
Journal Entries involve two accounts to balance a debit and credit. It is a best practice to set up account approvals at Level 1 and select Approval Required for Task and assign a Default Approver. The scenarios determine requirements for the journal entry approval path to move forward.
At Level 1, approval is required from every applicable rule assignee in order to move the journal entry forward. It is recommended to only set up account approval at this level, so that only rules tied to the specific accounts used in the journal entry are applied. If you do not use account approvals, you can clear Approval Required for Task at Level 1.
Level 1: One Account Has a Rule
With this setup, the journal entry has one debit and one credit and it involves one account with an assigned rule. The second account has no assigned rule. Level 1 has additional non-account-based rules (not recommended)
The approver assigned to any applicable rule needs to approve the journal entry for it to move to the next approval level.
If Level 1 is used only for account approvals, and only one account in the journal entry is included in a rule, then only that approver must approve the journal entry to move it forward.
The action of any single approver changes the status of the entire journal entry by marking it as Denied or Needs Correction.
Rule / Account | Account Number in a Level 1 Rule? | Approver |
Account 1 | Yes | Rule 1 Approver must take action. |
Account 2 | No | No rule exists for the account so there is no approver. |
Additional Rules (not account-based) | No | Every assigned approver where a rule applies must take action. |
Level 1: Both Accounts Have a Rule with Different Approvers
With this setup, the journal entry involves two accounts that each have an assigned rule with different approvers. Both Approver 1 and Approver 2 need to approve the journal entry for it to move to the next approval level. If either approver marks the journal entry as Denied or Needs Correction, the status is changed for the entire journal entry without interaction from the second approver.
Rule | Account Number | Approver |
Rule 1 | None assigned in the rule | None |
Rule 2 | 999 | Approver 1 |
Rule 3 | 000 | Approver 2 |
Level 1: Neither Account Has a Rule
With this setup, the journal entry involves two accounts, and neither account has an assigned rule. The workflow notifies the person assigned as the Default Approver. Only the person assigned as Default Approver needs to approve the journal entry for it to move to the next approval level or change the status by marking the journal entry as Denied or Needs Correction.
Rule | Account Number | Approver |
Rule 1 | Not assigned in the rule | Default Approver |
Rule 2 | Not assigned in the rule | Default Approver |
Rule 3 | Not assigned in the rule | Default Approver |
Level 2 and Higher
For Level 2 and Level 3 approvals (and additional levels if your organization adds them), the journal entry is considered as a whole and the action of any assigned approver based on the rules impacts the entire journal entry in the following ways:
Move it forward to the next approval level.
Send it back as Denied or Needs Correction.
If it is at the highest approval level, move the journal entry forward to automatically post to Fund Accounting tables.