Workflow Configuration for Advanced Workflow
Your organization can use Advanced Workflow for multiple workflow types. Contact your PowerSchool ERP Account Representative for assistance with the initial setup. When you use Advanced Workflows, there is a single Workflow Approvals page to review all items that need your attention, arranged in tabs for each workflow type.
This page provides some basic information to troubleshoot the process if it is not working as expected.
Clear all approvals in the legacy system before you switch to Advanced Workflows.
Advanced Workflow configuration
Menu path
From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Profiles menu, select Workflow Configuration Profile. On the Workflow Configuration page, from the Service Maintenance menu, select Advanced Workflow Configuration.
Set up Tibco with assistance from your ERP Account Representative for each workflow email template.
Advanced Workflow settings
Contact your ERP Account Representative to assist you with setting up the Tibco Configuration and Task Scheduler Configuration tabs.
After you set up the Tibco Configuration and Task Scheduler Configuration tabs, select the Advanced Workflow Settings tab.
Select Enable Advanced Workflows. You must select this option to use any Advanced Workflow.
Select the Advanced Workflows you want to use.
Select Apply.
The Last User Sync is a display-only field that populates with the most recent sync data.
Email settings for Advanced Workflows
22.4 and later.
Use the Email Settings tab to trigger emails to be sent to alternate approvers and to set reminder intervals for your organization. You can have different configurations for each workflow that you use.
Select options and enter intervals as desired. During initial setup, contact your ERP Account Representative for assistance to set up Tibco to accommodate the needs of your organization.
Click Apply to save your changes.
Column | Description |
Workflow | The list of available advanced workflows. Options on each row are only active if advanced workflows are enabled and the workflow is selected on the Advanced Workflow Settings tab. |
Email Alternates | Select the option if you want to generate emails to alternate approvers. This only impacts email notifications. Alternate approvers may use dashboard tiles or Employee Access Center (EAC) to review and process approvals even if they do not receive emails. |
Email After | Enter an interval for alternates to be emailed if the primary approver has not taken action. Leave at 00:00:00 if your organization wants to email primary and alternate approvers at the same time. The format is DD:HH:MM. The maximum limit is indicated on the Information panel. Example: If you want alternate approvers to be notified if the primary approver has not taken action within three hours, enter 00:03:00. |
Reminder | Select the option if you want to send reminder emails. Reminders apply to both primary and alternate approvers. |
Reminder Frequency | Enter an interval for reminder emails. Emails are triggered by reminder intervals for both primary and alternate approvers. The format is DD:HH:MM. Minimum and maximum limits are indicated on the Information panel. Example: If you want a reminder sent after one day when no action has been taken, enter 01:00:00. |
End After (Days) | Enter a number of days after which reminders should no longer be triggered. The maximum is 180 days, or approximately six months. |
Email consolidation
Available in the interface in 20.11 only. For 22.4 and later, email consolidation is applied automatically to all line-item based workflows to reduce the volume of emails sent to approvers.
It is recommended to complete all pending Advanced Workflow requisition and purchase order approvals prior to activating the email consolidation feature.
Workflows that process line-item approvals, for example requisitions and purchase orders, can produce notification emails for each individual line item that requires approval. Email Consolidation groups notifications in time intervals to reduce the number of email messages that are sent to approvers and requesters when multiple line items require approval.
Approvers, including delegates assigned in approval processing, receive fewer emails for pending requests instead of an email for each line item.
A single email contains approval notifications for all the line items for a requisition or a purchase order that are generated in a specific interval set on the Workflow Configuration Profile, Global Settings, Email Task Scheduler Settings tab.
Consolidated emails contain the following information:
Requisition Workflow: Requisition Number, Line Numbers, Line Amounts, Vendor Numbers, Vendor Names, Requisition Amounts, Total Amount
Purchase Order Workflow: Purchase Order Number, Line Numbers, Line Amounts, Vendor Numbers, Vendor Names, Purchase Order Amounts, Total Amount
Delegated approvers assigned directly in the approval process receive consolidated emails.
Scheduled delegated approvers do not receive consolidated emails.
Requesters receive fewer emails when multiple items are sent back for corrections or denied.
Consolidated emails for requesters do not contain line item details or comments from approvers when items are sent for correction or denied.
Requesters may receive two separate emails for denied requests.
An immediate email indicates the approval process is completed.
A consolidated email may follow according to the time interval indicating the item was denied.
Email Consolidation Setup
On the Workflow Configuration Profile, on the Advanced Workflow Configuration page Advanced Workflow Settings tab, the following options must be selected. A district administrator with access to the Workflow Configuration Profile can edit these selections.
Enable Advanced Workflows: If your site has never used Advanced Workflows, contact your ERP Account Representative for assistance.
Purchase Order or Purchase Requisition, or both
Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order Email Consolidation
Service Maintenance
For some Advanced Workflows, including Requisitions and Purchase Orders, after you activate the advanced workflow, the email template and forms page is removed from the Service Maintenance list because legacy templates and rules are not used for advanced workflows.
Global Settings
After you apply a workflow type on the Advanced Workflow Configuration tab, select the Global Settings tab and clear the corresponding option if there is duplication. Some workflows are only available on the Advanced Workflow Configuration tab.
User profiles
Any employee in the workflow approval process must have a Security User record.
From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Security menu, select Users. Search for and select the desired user record.
Copy the User ID.
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry and Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Search for and select the employee record.
Select Accept.
In the General section, enter the username copied from the Security User record.
Select Accept.
Cross-reference the employee record and the security user record. Enter the Employee Number from the Employee Information record in the Security User record's Employee Number field.
Advanced Workflow Setup
After you update the Workflow Configuration Profile to enable advanced workflows, your PowerSchool ERP Account Representative can assist you with Advanced Workflow Setup.
Set up Tibco
Contact your PowerSchool ERP Account Representative to assist you with the configuration on the Tibco site. Administrator access to this site is limited within each organization.
An administrator with access to the Tibco site can:
Add or delete levels of approval if needed by your organization. You can review the defaults on the Workflow Applications page.
Draft or edit email notification templates and set up consolidated emails for applicable workflows.