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Account Approval Table

If your Fund Accounting Profile is setup for approval processing, you can use the Account Approval table to create account-based approval requirements. The table allows you to define a range of accounts from the Account List that when assigned to transactions, will generate approval records for processing by the appropriate personnel.

Depending on your security permissions in System Administration Users table, you can use the Account Approval table to view and update account-based approval requirements for accounts payable, batch budget transfers, and batch budget adjustments. 

To generate the Account Approval Table report, use the Account Approval Table page's Print item. The report's default file name is appracct.rpt.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Account Approvals

Using Account Approval Records

Account approval is required for transactions that use the accounts defined in the Account Approval table's low/high account ranges.

  • Depending on your security permissions, you can set up different ranges for accounts payable, batch budget transfers, batch budget adjustments, purchase orders, requisitions, and change orders.
  • You can assign one approver and two alternates for each account range.

For information on the Fund Accounting Profile setup required for using account-based approvals, refer to Approval Table.


Updates to Account Approval Table records do not affect records that are already associated with the approval group. The updates apply to all subsequent records tied to the group. We recommend that before making changes to approval information records in the Account Approval table, verify that all existing transactions are fully approved.


When you enter an Account Approval record, you identify the record in the Approval Data section, then you define account-based approval requirements by using the available tabs. Your access to specific tabs depends on your security permissions.

Approval Data Section

Use the following fields to identify the Account Approval record:




Code identifying the Account Approval record. Character/ 8


Full description of the Account Approval record. Character/35


The Account Approval Table page’s tabs all include the same fields.




Login ID of the primary person authorized to issue approvals for the account range identified. Entries are verified against Security’s Users table.

Alternate (1st and 2nd)

Login IDs of alternate employees authorized to issue approvals for the identified account range when the primary approver is not available. Character/8

Low Account

Low account for this approval range. Transactions charged against this account, or those accounts up to and including the high account, require account approval.

High Account

High account for this approval range. Transactions charged against this account, or those accounts down to and including the low account, require account approval.

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