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Project List

If you perform project accounting, you can use the Project List option to create records for tracking expenses and revenues related to specific projects.

  • You can have up to eight reporting levels, as defined in your Fund Accounting Profile. For example, a three-level structure might include Project as the first level, Function as the second, and Task as the third.
  • In the Project Titles page, you can create the components to include in your project levels. For example, if your first level is Computer Upgrades (Project), you could have a second level component (Function) entitled Equipment. In this case, your third level (Task) components might include Computers, Monitors, Printers, and Projectors. For information on these records, refer to Creating Project Components.
  • In the Project List page, you can tie together the project components and thereby define the records used at the lowest reporting level. For details, refer to Add/Close Project Records.
  • After you enter your project records, you can link them to organization records in the Organization Chart. For information on project linking, refer to the Project Link and Default Project fields in the Organization Chart.
  • Finally, you can use Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Project Ledger option to record transactions in the Project Ledger. In entering transactions, you apply codes from the Project List and Account List. For information on the Project Ledger, refer to Budget Ledgers.
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