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ACA Hours Conversion Table

The ACA Hours Conversion table stores a list of an employer's units-to-hours conversion for the Affordable Care Act software. It is optional but used by the Import and Load functions.

If no records exist, the Load and Import functions warn the user and ask if they want to continue. The table allows users to convert time units in check history records or import from an outside source into hours. For example, one day equals eight hours. Your organization must determine how you have tracked your employees' hours and whether you need to use this table.

To access this table, access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, and select Hours Conversion Table. To access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, select:

Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Hours Tracking




Pay Group

Pay groups to be included in the hours conversion. In this field, you can enter wild cards, the pipe ( | ), and colon ( : ) symbols. The fields are not validated against any database tables. Enter an asterisk if all values are to be used.

Job Class

Job class codes to be included in the hours conversion. In this field, you can select multiple job classes.

Pay Code

Pay codes to be included in the hours conversion. In this field, you can select multiple pay codes.


Determines the order of usage if an imported or loaded record meets multiple criteria.

Import Hours Or Unit

This number is the multiplier used during the load process to convert time units imported from an outside source into hours. Used by the Import function.

Load Hours Or Unit

This number is the multiplier used during the load process to convert time units in check history records into hours. Used by the Load function.

Use FTE as Multiplier

This field is used when performing a load from check history. If this field is set to Y-Yes, when the load is performed, the number of hours will be multiplied by the Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) on the pay rate record for the job class. If this field is set to N-No, the FTE will not be used as a multiplier. This field will default to N-No.

Use Days Worked

This field determines whether the system, when loading from check history, will calculate hours based on days worked. If set to Y-Yes, the system will calculate hours based on the number of days worked in the employee's record. If set to N-No, the system will load hours normally for the hours conversion. This field will default to N-No.

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