ACA Hours Tracking Report
The Hours Tracking Report is designed to help analyze data that is in the Affordable Care Act Hours tables.
To run this report, access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, and select Hours Tracking Report. To access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, select:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Hours Tracking
Report Type Section
The Detail report will show all Affordable Care Act Hours records based upon the entered criteria and allows the user to determine if the report should page break by employee or not. The report is organized and sorted by the Employee Number, Start Date, End Date, Pay Run, Check Number, Job Class, Pay Code and Calendar.
The Summary report sums the values of the Affordable Care Act Hours record based upon the entered criteria and allows the user to determine if the report should display all employees or only those employees who generate warning and error messages. The report is organized and sorted by the Employee Number.
Report Criteria Section
The reports allow for optional criteria fields of Employee Number, Employee Type, Pay Group, Job Class, Pay Code, Calendar, Plan Status and Hire Date.
Additional Criteria Section
The default Report Title is Affordable Care Act Hours Tracking Report. It can be changed if desired.
The Start Date and End Date fields will be pre-loaded with the current system date. Change the dates to reflect the desired analysis period.
If the employee's hire falls within the Start Date and End Date values and the employee's most recent ACA Hours record (sorted by Start Date) has a Plan Status of N, the message "NEW EMPLOYEE WITH HIRE DATE, MM/DD/YYYY – FURTHER ANALYSIS REQUIRED" will appear.
The report can analyze data based upon weekly or monthly average hours. The defaulted value in the User Weeks or Months field is Weeks.
Enter the number of weeks or months to be used as the denominator in the hours/(week or month) average calculation in the Number of Weeks or Months field. The defaulted value is 1.
Enter the number of hours to be used to generate the message "***WARNING – AVERAGE HOURS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO THRESHOLD LIMIT OF XXX" in the Warning Threshold Limit field. If the average hours calculation is greater than or equal to, but less than the value in the ACA Full-Time Hours field, the message will be generated.
Enter the number of hours to be used to generate the message "***ERROR – AVERAGE HOURS EXCEEDS ACA FULL-TIME HOURS LIMIT OF XXX" in the ACA Full-Time Hours field. If the average hours calculation is greater than or equal to the value, the message will be generated. The defaulted value is 30.0000.