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Add Employee Process

The Human Resources System guides you through the steps for adding a full complement of records on an employee to your database. This process entails a series of pages. As you enter data and save each page, the next page appears. The process continues until all pages are completed and saved.

The pages available to you depend on the following:

  • The Employee Add Setup item on the Action Bar of the Human Resources Profile determines the pages used in your system and the order in which they appear.

  • The Employee Add Setup is also used to assign pages based on roles. The system's default roles include Payroll and Personnel. Other roles can be created in the Role Setup table, for example, Benefits or Credentials. Roles are then assigned to users in the User Setup table.

If you end the add process before completing all required pages, the system designates the employee as Pending. To add the employee to your database, complete the remaining pages in the Pending Employee Center

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Select Add new.

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