Add Procedure
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Click Add new.
Basic Add Procedure
The Base Employee Information page is the first in the series of pages used to create an employee's records.
After completing the fields on a page, click Next to display the subsequent page. Refer to Add Procedure#Add Employee Records for more information.
Pages within Employee Records
The following pages are available for adding employee records. The specific pages used and their order is determined in the Human Resources profile Employee Add Setup option.
The only page that must be included in the add employee process is the Base Employee Information page. The system requires that this page appears first.
Pages | Description |
Base Employee Information | Enables you to identify the employee, input basic employment data, and enter the employee's address. |
Personnel Information | Enables you to enter general personnel data, such as the employee's gender, seniority dates, years of service, and contact information. |
Payroll | Enables you to enter payroll data, such as the employee's check location, special pay records, and federal, state, and local tax information. |
Pay Rates | Enables you to set up the employee's pay rate records. An employee must have a primary pay rate to be paid. Secondary rates are optional. You can also access the Pay Dates, Additional Rates, and Position Assignments pages from the Pay Rates page. |
Deductions | Enables you to set up the employee's deductions and benefits. You also can use these records for U.S. Savings Bond deductions, IRS tax levies, Child Support payments, and direct bank deposits. |
Leave Banks | Enables you to set up records for vacations, personal holidays, sick leave, and other forms of leave. |
Earnings | Enables you to enter the employee's earnings and taxes before being hired. After you begin paying the employee, the system updates this data. You can also access the Prior Tax Information page to enter taxes from an employee's former state or municipality. |
Job Class History | Enables you to track the history of the employee's job class assignments and salary increases. |
State/Retirement | Enables you to enter information for state reporting on retirement programs and other issues. |
Employee Group Life Over 50K | Enables you to enter information for calculating additional taxes on employer-paid life insurance coverage over $50,000. |
Assignments | Enables you to enter information on the employee's daily assignments, including the nature of each assignment and the percentage of time required. This window is also used for school districts to enter Highly Qualified Teacher information and the specific grades taught. |
Race/Ethnicity | Enables you to enter the employee's race, ethnicity, and the EEO race code for the EEO Data report. |
Job Skills/Other Interests | Enables you to record information on the employee's job-related skills and general interests. |
Degree Information | Enables you to document the employee's educational background, in terms of degrees, colleges, credits, and grade point averages. |
Certifications | Enables you to document certifications held by the employee. |
Qualification Data | Enables you to link the employee to records entered in the Qualification Code table. |
Credential Data | You can link the employee to records entered in the Credential Code table. |
Requirement Data | You can link the employee to records entered in the Requirement Code table. |
Licenses | Enables you to enter and track non-teaching licenses held by the employee. |
Continuing Education | Enables you to enter and track information for courses the employee has completed or is in the process of completing. |
Time Entry | Enables you to enter setup information for Time Entry, which allows the employee to enter timecards. This page only applies if your site uses Time Entry. |
User Defined Pages | Enable you to enter additional information on the employee. These pages, which can be set up in the Human Resources Profile, appear in the order defined in the Profile's Employee Add Setup option. |
Control Buttons
The pages for adding an employee include Control sections containing the following buttons:
Fields | Description |
Cancel | Cancels entries on the current page, but saves all previous pages you completed. If you did not complete all required pages, the system saves your entries but classifies the employee as pending. To complete the remaining records, use the Pending Employee Center. |
Next | Saves the current page, provided you completed all required fields, and displays the next page. |
Finish | Ends the add process and has the same effect as the Cancel button if you select it before completing the final page. |
Add Employee Records
From Employee Information page, click Add New.
Complete each page that appears, then click Next to save and proceed.
In some cases, additional pages may appear to add information to the record created on the main page.
In the Pay Rates and Deductions pages, the system asks if you want to use the page again to add more records, such as secondary pay rates or additional deductions/benefits.
Click Finish when you complete the final page.
If the Continuous checkbox is selected, repeat steps 2 and 3 to add another employee, or click Cancel to return to the Employee Information page.
If the Continuous checkbox is not selected, the add process ends automatically.If you click Cancel or Finish to end the process at any time after completing the Base Employee Information page and before completing all required pages, the system displays a message indicating that the employee will be classified as pending. If so, you can complete any unfinished pages in the Pending Employee Center.