Affordable Care Act Hours Page – Import Option
The Import function adds records to the Affordable Care Act Hours table from an outside source. The Import function uses the standard Import feature found throughout the application.
To use this option, access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, and select Import. To access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, select:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Hours Tracking
Importing Records
Access the Affordable Care Act Hours page through:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Hours TrackingSelect the Import option. The File Import and Data Selection - Import Affordable Care Act Hours wizard will display.
In the Select a File to Import section, select Choose File to locate the file on your PC. Refer to the Import File Requirements below for details on what this file should contain.
Once you have selected the file, follow standard application import procedures. For details, click the Show Instructions button on the wizard page.
The import function will validate each piece of data contained in the selected lines from the import file to ensure data integrity. Data will be tagged with either an Error or Warning status if the software detects a problem with the data. If at least one piece of data of a selected import line is tagged with an Error status, the line will not import into the database. If all pieces of data of a selected import line are tagged with Warning statuses, the line will import into the database if the user selects the Import action item.
Import File Requirements
The required fields in an import file are:
Employee Number
Pay Run
Start Date
End Date
Work Hours
The following fields are verified against the application database tables. An import record with an invalid value will produce an error message and prevents the record from being imported:
Pay Run
Employee Type
Job Class
Pay Code
If required Affordable Care Act Hours table fields are not included in the import file, the following data will be extracted from the employee record:
Affordable Care Act Hours Field(s) | Database Table |
Employee Type | Person |
Calendar | Payrate - The Calendar code associated with the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Pay Group | Payrate - The Pay Group code associated with the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Job Class | Payrate - The Job Class code associated with the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Pay Code | Payrate - The Pay Code associated with the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Benefit Status | Plan Status value (D, Q or N) is determined by examining an employee's active deduction records. If a deduction code exists in the Benefit Status table, the code's benefit status value is used. If none exist, the value of N defaults. |
Error and Warning messages
The following is a list of potential error and warning messages that could be encountered when using the Import function:
Error: Class XXXX not found in job class table |
Error: Employee calendar type XXXX not on the calendar table |
Error: Employee not found in employee table |
Error: Employee not yet working |
Error: Employee pay code must be entered for this class |
Error: Employee pay code XXX not on the pay code table |
Error: Employee payroll record does not exist |
Error: Employee personnel record does not exist |
Error: Employee type not on the employee type table |
Error: Invalid pay run number |
Error: No primary rate record for employee |
Error: Pay run is required |
Error: There is no payroll setup for this pay run |
Warning: Affordable Care Act Care hours conversion value is zero |
Warning: Affordable Care Hours records already exist for this employee/pay run |
Warning: Affordable Care record will be imported for pending employee |
Warning: Affordable Care status could not be determined - defaulted to N |
Warning: Affordable Care status determined from employee deduction record |
Warning: Employee calendar type defaulted from pay rate |
Warning: Employee job class defaulted to primary job class |
Warning: Employee pay code defaulted from pay rate |
Warning: Employee pay group defaulted from pay rate |
Warning: Employee pay rate has been terminated |
Warning: Employee pay rate is inactive |
Warning: Employee terminated |
Warning: Employee type defaulted from personnel record |