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Affordable Care Act Hours Page - Load Option

The Affordable Care Act Hours table has an option which enables you to load records from the Check History.

To use this option, access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, and select Load. To access the Affordable Care Act Hours page, select:

Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Hours Tracking

Loading Records

  1. Access the Affordable Care Act Hours page through:
    Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Hours Tracking
  2. Select the Load option. The Affordable Care Act Hours Load page will display.
  3. Enter Load Criteria as required.
  4. The Use Calendar Days checkbox will determine whether you want the system to use the Days Worked when completing the hours conversion. If this checkbox is selected, the load will only do the hours conversion calculation when the record in the Hours Conversion table also has a Y-Yes value in the Use Days Worked field. If this field is blank, it will use Hours Conversion table records that have an N-No value in the Use Days Worked field.
    If your organization has some records with a Y-Yes value and some with N-No in the Use Days Worked field in the Hours Conversion table, you will have to load this twice to load both types of records, one with the Use Calendar Days boxed selected, and one without. 
    If the Use Calendar Dates checkbox is selected, the Check Date must be within the current or prior month.

  5. The Check Date field is a required criteria field and can be used as follows:


    Selects records that have a check issue date of 01/01/2020 only.


    Selects records that have a check issue date greater than 01/01/2020.


    Selects records that have a check issue date greater than or equal to 01/01/2020.


    Selects records that have a check issue date less than 01/01/2020.


    Selects records that have a check issue date less than or equal to 01/01/2020.


    Selects records that have a check date starting with 01/01/2020 through 12/31/2020.

  6. The remaining criteria fields (Employee Number, Pay run, Check Number, Pay Group, Pay Code and Job Class) are optional.

Affordable Care Act Hours record

When Affordable Care Act hours records are populated with data from check history, the following database tables and fields are used:

Database Table Affordable Care Act Hours Field(s)
Employee Employee number and Name (first name, middle initial, last name and suffix combined).

Checkhis Pay Run

Check Number

Person Employee Type
Checkhi2 Pay Group

Job Class

Pay Code

Work Hours of earning records (earn_ded = P)

The hours value in checkhi2 may be altered by an Hours Conversion Table record.

Payrate Calendar code associated with checkhi2 job class value
Paygroups Start Date and End Date of pay run associated with checkhis pay run value.

Calculated Value Plan Status value (D, Q, N) is determined by examining a check's deduction records (checkhi2.earn_ded = D). 

If a deduction code exists in the Benefit Status table, the code's benefit status value is used.

If no matching code is found in check history and the Benefit Status table, the Plan Status value (D, Q or N) is determined by examining an employees active deduction records.  If an employee's deduction code exists in the Benefit Status table, the code's benefit status is used. If none exist, the value of N defaults.

ACA Hours Load Exception Report

The Load function will generate a report of exceptions based upon a series of data validation tests. The exceptions are intended to denote potential data issues that may need to be addressed before running the ACA Hours Report.

The following exception messages can appear on the report:

  • Affordable care status could not be determined - Defaulted to N.
  • Duplicate record. Record not loaded.
  • Hours conversion record not found. Using check history hours.
  • Primary pay rate not found.
  • Start date cannot be determined. Pay run XXX is not in the paygroups setup table. Affordable Care Act Hours Page - Import Option
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