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Applicant Personal Information Section

The Applicant Personal Information section contains information from the applicant's profile. If a new applicant is being added, the fields will be blank and the information will need to be entered.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview > search for an applicant > click the applicant's Edit column to display the Applicant Details page

Action Buttons


Displays a page containing applicant information received from Gallup regarding assessment, interview, and results.


Displays the Send Email page, where an email can be sent to the applicant.


Displays the Applicant Document Upload page, where documents can be added to the applicant's record.


Allows updating of the applicant information in the Applicant Personal Information section.


Returns you to the Applicant Overview page.


Saves changes to the applicant's information.


Submits the applicant for approval.

Following are procedures for sending an email to applicants, uploading documents, and editing an applicant's personal information:

Sending an email to an applicant

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Details page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.

  4. In the Applicant Details page, click the Email to display the Send Email page.
    The From field will default your organization's system-defined default email address, while the To field will default the applicant's email address. The From field can be changed if the applicant should reply to a particular staff member, or you leave the field as is and enter the reply email address in the body of the email.

  5. If applicable, enter email addresses in the Cc and Bcc fields.

  6. In the Template field, select a template defined in the Email Template Setup page, or leave the field blank and enter a personalized Subject and Body (untitled).

  7. Click Send.

  8. In the confirmation window, click Continue to send the email.

Uploading documents

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Details page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.

  4. In the Applicant Details page, click Upload.

  5. In the Applicant Document Upload window, enter a different title for the file in the Document Description field, or leave the field blank to use the document's existing file name.

  6. Click Upload, and then select the file from your computer or network, and then click Open (or a similar button) to upload it.

  7. To update additional documents, repeat Steps 5-6.

  8. To delete a file that has been uploaded, click Delete next to the document's name in the Document Description section.

  9. When finished uploading documents, click X to close the Applicant Document Upload window.
    Once a document or documents have been added to the applicant's record, a paper clip icon will appear next to the Upload button to indicate documents have been associated with the applicant.

Editing the applicant's personal information

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Details page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.

  4. In the Applicant Details page, click Edit.

  5. Change the applicant's personal information as needed.

  6. Click Save.




Applicant Name (untitled)

Applicant's Last Name, First Name, and Applicant ID. Display-only.

Applicant Status

Applicant's status. The applicant can have a status of Active, Inactive, or Do Not Hire.

Expiration Date

If the applicant has a status of Do Not Hire, this is the date the rejection of the applicant expires. For more information on the Do Not Hire status, refer to Verification Overview Page.


Applicant's email address, based on the entry in the Primary Email field in the Applicant Personal Information section.

Employee Status

Applicant's employee status, either Applicant, Current Employee, Pending Employee, External Employee, or Prior Employee.

Employee Number

Applicant's employee number, if the applicant is an employee of your organization.

Phone Number

Applicant's primary telephone number, based on the entry in the Primary Phone field in the Applicant Personal Information section.

Employed Dates

Date range the applicant was or is employed by your organization, if the applicant has a status of Prior Employee, Current Employee, External Employee, or Pending Employee.


Applicant's rating. Zero is the lowest rating, and five stars is the highest. Click the appropriate star to set the rating.


Applicant's street address.


Applicant's city.


Two-letter abbreviation of the applicant's state.


Applicant's country.


Applicant's zip code and zip extension.

Primary Email

Applicant's primary email address.

Alternate Email

Applicant's alternate email address.

Social Security

Applicant's Social Security number.

Primary Phone

Applicant's primary telephone number.

Alternate Phone

Applicant's alternate telephone number.

State Educator ID

Applicant's State Educator identification number.

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