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Application Section - Employment Checklist

The Applicant Details page's Application section displays a link to the Employment Checklist page. This page allows a Human Resources staff member to complete tasks defined for hiring a new employee.

The items on the employment checklist are defined in the Recruitment System Configuration's Employment Checklist Setup.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview > search for an applicant > click the Pencil icon in the applicant's Edit column to display the Applicant Details page > select the application in the Posting Application section > select the Employment Checklist link in the Application section

Approving tasks on the employment checklist

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Overview page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.

  4. In the Applicant Details page's Posting Applications section, click an application's Select link.

  5. In the Application section, click the Employment Checklist link.

  6. In the Employment Checklist, if the task has been completed, select its Approved radio button.

  7. In the Date field, enter the date the task was approved (completed).

  8. In the Comment field, enter any relevant comments.

  9. Click Save to save the approved task.

  10. Once all required tasks are approved, you can click Checklist Complete, though your procedures may require completing all tasks first.

An email will be sent to the addresses defined in the email template, depending on whether the Checklist Complete field is selected in the Employment Checklist section of the Hire Process Email Setup.

Rejecting items on the checklist

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Overview page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.

  4. In the Applicant Details page's Posting Applications section, click an application's Select link.

  5. In the Application section, click the Employment Checklist link.

  6. On the Employment Checklist, if the item has been rejected, select its Rejected radio button.

  7. In the Date field, enter the date the item was rejected.

  8. In the Comment field, enter any comment associated with the rejection of the item.

  9. Click Save to save the rejected item on the checklist.

An email will be sent to the addresses defined on the email template, depending on whether the Reject field is selected in the Employment Checklist section of the Hire Process Email Setup.

Completing verification of employment

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Overview page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.

  4. In the Applicant Details page's Posting Applications section, click an application's Select link.

  5. In the Application section, click the Employment Checklist link.

  6. On the Employment Checklist, click View for a task to display the Employment Verification page.

    • The button only displays if the eEmployment checkbox in the Employment Checklist Setup page is selected.

    • The Employer Position, From To, and Email fields will default the information the applicant entered in response to the application's Work History question.

  7. Select the Paper checkbox, if you are sending the eEmployment questionnaire to the previous employer, and then select the eForm checkbox.

  8. Click Send to send the eEmployment questionnaire to the previous employer electronically.

    • Once the questionnaire is sent, the Date Sent field will display the current date.

    • When the previous employer completes the eEmployment questionnaire and clicks Save, the Date Received field will display the date the save occurred.

  9. Click the View link to review the responses to the eEmployment questionnaire from the previous employer, select the Verified checkbox, and then enter a Comment to indicate the responses have been reviewed.

  10. Click Save to save the employment verification.




Checklist Item

Description of the task to be completed after hiring an applicant. Checklists are defined in the Recruitment System Configuration's Employment Checklist Setup page.


Radio button indicating the task has been completed and approved.


Radio button indicating the task has been rejected. If a required task (marked with a red asterisk) has been rejected, the checklist cannot be saved as completed.


Date the task was approved or rejected.


Any comment associated with the task. Character/250


Click the button to save tasks that have been approved or rejected.

Checklist Complete

Click the button to save the checklist as completed, once all required items have been approved. Completing a checklist also sends any emails defined by the Checklist Complete field in the Employment Checklist section of the Hire Process Email Setup.

This button cannot be accessed if a checklist has one or more required tasks that have been rejected or if any required tasks have not been completed.

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