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Use this option to set up employee deduction information for posting to your database on a future date. You can also manage deduction information records that have not yet been posted.

Menu Path

Select Human Resources, then Periodic Routines. In the Periodic Processing menu, click Effective Date Changes, then choose Deductions.

Use the Effective Deduction Changes page to change the following data in employee records:

  • Effective Date

  • Deduction

  • Status

  • Start and Stop Dates

  • Deduction or Benefit Amount

  • Arrears

  • Maximum Deduction or Benefir

  • Number of Times

  • Additional Gross

  • Bank Information for Direct Deposit

Review Posted Data

  1. Navigate to the Employee Deductions page.

  2. Search for the employee.

  3. From the Action Bar, select Payroll Information, then choose Deductions.

Manage Deduction Change Records

  1. Enter search criteria to identify records and click Search.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click Add new if you want to add a new record.

    • Select an existing record to edit.

  3. Complete or update the fields as needed.

  4. Optionally, to remove a record, click Delete, then click Yes.

  5. Click OK or Accept.

Deduction Change Updates - Employee Access Center

Depending on the administration settings in EAC, employees can submit deduction updates using Employee Access Center (EAC). For these updates, the Entered by field displays EAC.

Depending on your versions of PowerSchool ERP and EAC, employees can upload supporting files when they submit direct deposit deduction changes through EAC, such as a void check file. If an employee uploads a file in EAC, click View Attachments to review the attached forms. After the EAC change records posts, attachments are available on the Employee Deductions page when you select the direct deposit record.

If an employee adds a direct deposit record in EAC with a routing number not in the EFT Bank Codes table:

  • The routing number and bank name display on this page with an Add Bank Code link. Use this option to update the EFT Bank Codes table.

  • If you do not assign a bank code to the record, a warning message displays on the edit report and the deduction will not post.

This feature is only available for versions 20.11 and later, depending on your version of EAC.

Print a Report of Change Records

To generate a report on the change records stored in the batch file, click Print. The default file name of the Future Employee Deduction report is bdeduct.rpt.

Post Effective Deduction Changes

Use the Effective Date Changes post process to post updates into employee records.

Action Bar Items

Click Import to import deduction tables from the File Import and Data Selection - Batch Deduction page. For details, refer to Import Employee Deductions.


The following fields are in the General section. For information on the page's other fields, refer to Employee Deductions Page.



Effective Date

The date that the record should become effective. When you run the Post option, the system posts batch records that either match or precede this date. Posting also depends on if you select the Post? field on the record.


Select to indicate if the batch record should post based on the Effective Date entered. Leave the field blank to prevent the record from being posted.

Employee Number

Number identifying an employee. Use Lookup to select the employee.

Open Enrollment

Select to indicate if the record originated in or can be retrieved through EAC. Leave the field blank to prevent it from displaying in EAC.


Code identifying the deduction, as defined in the Deductions reference table.

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