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Use this option to add to or change an employee's basic personnel data for posting to your database on a future date. Demographic change records may also be submitted by employees through Employee Access Center (EAC).

You can update, print, and delete records that have not been posted.

Procedures for Effective Date Changes are similar for all options. The information stored in a Demographic change record affects fields in the General section and Employment tab of the Employee Information detail page.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Effective Date Changes. On the Effective Date Changes page, select Demographics.

Print Edit List

  1. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button. If you want to list all records, clear filters and then select Search.

  2. Select Print.

  3. From the dialog box, select the report output type. The default file name of the Future Employee Demographic report is bchgdemo.rpt.


Following are the fields unique to the Effective Demographic Changes page. For information on the page's other fields, refer to Employee Information Detail Page and Employment Tab.



Effective Date

Date that the record should become effective. The Post process posts all batch records with an Effective Date on or before the posting date if Post? is selected on the record.


Indicates whether the batch record should be included in the Post process. The Effective Date must be on or before the posting date.

Select the box to enable posting. Leave the box blank to prevent the record from being posted.

Entered by

Displays the username of the person who manually entered a record or EAC if the record was submitted by an employee through EAC.

Date Entered

Displays the original date of the record. If the record was initiated through EAC, it displays the date it was submitted by the employee.

Access to the page's Social Security field depends on the user's security resources. In addition, the field's display depends on a setting in the Human Resources profile.

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