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Earnings Tab

This tab stores the employee's gross earnings, as well as the earnings subject to federal, state, local, FICA, and Medicare taxes. Also included are taxable allowances, non-cash earnings, and the employer's Fica and Medicare gross

The system updates this information with each pay run, maintaining the data on a cumulative basis for the month, quarter, calendar year, and fiscal year. The Earnings tab also stores data from the most recent pay run (Current fields).

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information > search for and select an employee > click OK to display the Employee Information detail page > open the Earnings tab

Maintaining Earnings Data

When you add a new employee, all fields in the Earnings tab default to zero. The system subsequently updates these fields during payroll processing.

  • Running a payroll clears the amounts in the Current fields for all employees and replaces them with the appropriate payroll values.

  • Payroll calculations update the cumulative totals in the tab's other fields.

  • Prior to calculating a payroll, you can clear the monthly and quarterly fields by running Pay Run Processing's Clear Monthly Balances, Clear Quarterly Balances, and Clear Monthly/Quarterly Balances options.

  • You can clear all fields when you run Year End options for the fiscal and calendar year.

  • You can also clear the State Gross and Local Gross fields by changing the state and locality in the Prior Earnings/Tax Information page.

Related Action Bar Items

The following pages on employee earnings can be accessed using items in the Payroll Information group on the Employee Information page's Action Bar:

Prior Earnings/Tax Information Pages

Displays the gross earnings and taxes paid in the employee's previous locality and state. To display the page, click Prior Earnings/Taxes in the Payroll Information group.

Earnings by Pay Code Page

Displays earnings information for each pay code assigned to the employee. To display the page, click Earnings By Pay in the Payroll Information group.


Following are descriptions of the fields in the Current, Month, Quarter, Year, and Fiscal columns of the Earnings tab.



Total Gross

Total gross earnings, except for allowances and non-cash earnings.

Federal Gross

Total gross earnings subject to federal tax.

FICA Gross

Total gross earnings subject to FICA tax.

Medicare Gross

Total gross earnings subject to Medicare tax.

State Gross

Total gross earnings subject to state tax.

Local Gross

Total gross earnings subject to local tax.

Allowance Gross

Total gross earnings for allowances; for example, the taxable wages paid to employees for uniforms.

Non-Cash Gross

Total gross earnings for non-cash compensation that is subject to taxes, for example, the taxable value of meals provided to cafeteria workers.

Employer FICA Gross

Total gross earnings subject to FICA tax for the employer's contribution.

Employer Medicare Gross

Total gross earnings subject to Medicare tax for the employer's contribution.

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