Prior Earnings/Tax Information Page
This page enables you to enter the previous state and locality when an employee moves to a new residence. Changing this information transfers the related gross earnings and tax withholdings from the Earnings and Withholdings tabs to the appropriate fields in the employee's Prior Earnings/Tax Information page. This enables you to issue W2 information for the employee’s previous state and locality at the end of the year.
You can run the transfer multiple times within a given year. However, the system can only store earnings from one prior state or municipality. If an employee moves two or more times and you want to maintain this data for tax reporting purposes, you must manually record the gross earnings and taxes withheld for the previous states and municipalities.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Search for and select an employee. From the action bar menu, select Payroll, then Prior Earnings/Taxes.
Run the following procedure before processing pay for an employee who has moved to a new state or municipality.
Change Employee Prior Earnings and Taxes
Some states have modifications for handling specifics of their local taxes, and the fields may appear differently than described here. Check the appropriate state documentation for information on handling your district’s prior earnings/tax information.
Complete the fields as needed. Refer to the Fields and Descriptions table for details.
Click Accept to save your entries.
Fields and Descriptions
Field | Description |
Current | Read-only code identifies the employee's current state or locality. Display only. |
Prior | Code identifies the employee's previous state or locality.
If you select the blank option for the Locality and manually enter amounts, you should also navigate to the Earnings tab and Withholdings tab on the Employee Information Detail page and enter 0.00 in the corresponding Local Gross fields. |
Prior Gross Wages | Cumulative gross wage amounts for the current calendar year. This data defaults from the State Gross and Local Gross fields in the Year column of the employee's Earnings tab. |
Prior Tax Taken | Cumulative taxes withheld in the current calendar year. This data defaults from the State Withheld and Local Withheld fields in the Year column of the employee's Withholdings tab. |