Future Job Classes table
23.10 and later
Use this option to enter job classes that that are effective on a future date, for example in the next fiscal or school year. When they are posted, this information will update the Job Class table. You can modify or delete the records any time before you post them.
Records in the Future Job Classes table are not displayed for selection in current pay rate pages.
When you post future job classes, they replace current job classes that have the same Job Class Code. The post process should be performed between the last pay run that uses the current job classes and the first pay run that should use the new job class details.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Future Changes menu, select Job Classes.
Future Job Classes
The future job classes table is designed the same as the payroll job classes table, with the addition of two fields: Control Number and Effective Date.
You can add future job classes to future pay rates. The effective date of the future job class must be on or before the effective date of the future pay rate.
If you post a job class that already exists in the Payroll Job Classes table, the system deletes the current record and replaces it with the posted record.
Before setting up the Future Job Classes table, there must be records in the following Human Resources tables if you want to add defaults to the future job class. If the records are in future tables, they can be used in future job class records but they need to be posted before the future job classes table can be posted.
Payroll tables
Calendar (current, required)
Deductions (current or future)
Leave Codes (current)
Pay Codes (current)
Pay Groups (current)
Position Types (current)
Salary Schedules (current or future)
Personnel tables
Bargaining Units (current)
Workers' Compensation Codes (current)
Add a future job class
On the Future Job Classes page, click Add new.
Enter a Control Number.
Enter an Effective Date. The effective date should target the range when the future job class should be posted to the current Job Classes table.
Enter a Job Class Code. If the code exists in the current Job Classes table, fields will populate with the current job class details.
Edit as needed, for example, assign the schedule and calendar for the next fiscal or school year.
Enter or edit the remaining fields.
Click Accept.
Post future job classes
On the Future Job Classes page, from the action bar, click Post.
Enter a Control Number to post if desired.
Enter an Effective Date. Future job class records with an effective date on or before the entered effective date will post to the current job classes table and replace existing current job classes with the same job class code.
Click Accept.
On the confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Fields and descriptions
Fields that only display on the future table or have special information are defined. For details on fields in common with the payroll table, refer to Job Class table.
Other than unique key identifiers, the information entered in most fields is used as a default when the job class is assigned to an employee. An individual employee record can be edited. Job class defaults streamline the pay rate entry process.
Field | Description |
Control Number | Enter a control number. The control number can be used to select a batch of records when you post future job classes. The limit is 12 characters. The field is required. |
Effective Date | Enter a date when the future job classes should be posted. The post process should be performed between the last pay run that uses the current job classes and the first pay run that should use the new job class details. The field is required. |
Job Class Code | Enter a job class code. If the code exists in the current job classes table, information from the existing job class populates in some fields. The limit is four characters. This field is required. |
Schedule | Select a default salary schedule. If the schedule is only in the future salary schedules table, the effective date on the schedule must be on or before the effective date of the future job class. The future salary schedule must be posted before the job class is posted. |
Enter up to 10 default deduction codes that should be assigned to an employee if this job class is assigned to them. For more details about deductions, refer to Job Class table.
If the deductions are only in the future deductions table, the effective date on the deduction must be on or before the effective date of the future job class. The future deductions must be posted before the job class is posted.
Enter up to 10 default leave codes that should be assigned to an employee if this job class is assigned to them. For more details about leave codes, refer to Job Class table.
Fields on the Pay tab apply defaults when the future job class is assigned to an employee future pay rate. For more details about Pay fields, refer to Job Class table.
If an employee future pay rate was entered or loaded from current with Override Type set as Override Rate, then when you run Update Future Pay Rates, if you select Reset Override Type it changes Override Rate to System Calculated, and uses these defaults for the future pay rate.