Hire Applicants
Use the Hire Applicant page to enter information on an applicant who has been hired. This information is required for rolling over an applicant's data. The page can be displayed by clicking the Hire item on the Action Bar in the Applicant Information search and details pages.
After you enter this information, the system adds a new tab to the applicant's Applicant Tracking detail page: Hire Status. For additional information, refer to Update Applicant Records.
Hire an applicant
On the Attendance Information page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
To display an applicant's Applicant Information detail page, select the applicant, and then click Accept.
Click Hire on the detail page's Action Bar.
In the Hire Applicant page, complete the fields.
Click Accept to save the record.
Fields and Descriptions
Field | Description |
Hire Date | Applicant's hiring or rehiring date. |
Department | Code identifying the department associated with the position being filled, as defined in the Department table. |
Base Location | Code identifying the base location of the position being filled, as defined in System Management's Location table. |
Job Class | Code identifying the job class associated with the applicant's new position, as defined in the Job Class table. This job class rolls over to Human Resources, where it defines the leave codes in the employee's Leave Banks tab. |
Employee Number | Unique number for identifying the employee in the Human Resources System.