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Load Employee Time

Use this option to load timecards for issuing regular pay to employees in the pay groups specified in the Pay Run Setup - Step 2. In addition, you can load timecards for Short Pay, Summer Pay, and Retroactive Pay.

Page Sections

The Load Employee Time page includes the following sections:

Select an Employee Time Load Option

Provides a drop-down list for selecting the type of timecards to load. The section's Load button launches the load. After loading one type of timecard, you can run the option again for another load type.

Pay Run Setup Information

Displays pay group data from the Pay Run Setup - Step 2 page. This includes the pay groups to load, default hours and pay period start and end dates for each group, and default dates for employees who need timecards entered.

Time Load Options

The selections in the Load Employee Time page's Time Loading Options field include:

Standard Time Load Loads timecards. You do not need to enter regular pay hours if the Timecard Required fields in employees' Payroll tabs are set to N - Timecard Not Required.

Short Pay Time Load Loads timecards for pay periods that are shorter than normal and allows entering the percentage of regular pay time. This option only applies to pay rates that have a Pay Period or Range/Step Rate pay method.

Retroactive Time Load Calculates retroactive pay and loads timecards for selected employees.

Summer Time Load Loads timecards for issuing multiple pays on one check for employees who receive summer pay. You do not need to use the Standard Time Load option in this case. This option usually applies only to teachers.

Batch Time Displays if you use a third party timecard program. For procedures on loading batch timecard data, refer to your custom specifications.

Load and Enter Timecards

Following are some conditions to keep in mind about timecards:

  • If the Timecard Required field in an employee's Payroll Tab indicates that timecards are required and an employee has not submitted a timecard, the employee's timecard loads with its pay hours set to zero. In this case, you must enter the hours.

  • The default hours entered in the Payroll Setup - Step 2 page only apply when timecards are not required.

  • Timecards do not load for employees who received advanced pay in the last pay period. The log generated lists employees who were skipped for this reason.

  • Timecards are not loaded for terminated employees. To pay these employees, use Edit Employee Time.

If you want to continue to pay a terminated employee for a certain amount of time, use a future date in the Last Date to Pay field of the Terminate process. Timecards continue to load until this termination date is reached. There is no message on payroll reports about paying a terminated employee.

If you want to pay an employee after the termination date is reached, you must enter a manual timecard in Edit Employee Time. As a safeguard, the Payroll Edit and Pre-Calc Exception reports generate a warning message to alert you to the employee's status.

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