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Pay Run Setup - Step 2

Use this page to identify the pay groups for loading timecards. You also can set the default hours and pay period start and end dates for each group and enter the pay run's default start and end dates.

This is the second page displayed by the Payroll wizard, when you are either setting up a pay run or changing a pay run's setup information.





Codes identifying the pay groups whose timecards you want to load. You can enter up to 36 codes in this scrolling section. Pay group codes, which are user defined, are assigned in employees' Pay Rate Information pages.

If employees from all pay groups are to be paid in this pay run and they all have the same default hours and pay period start and end dates, enter an asterisk instead of specifying the individual groups.

Default Hours

Default pay hours to use in the timecards loaded for the identified pay groups. Default hours allow exceptions to a pay group's regular hours but do not apply to employees whose timecards you have to enter. The default hours override the pay hours specified in employees' Pay Rate records.

If you leave this field blank for a pay group, the field defaults to zero. When you load timecards, the system uses the pay hours specified in employees' pay rates. Entering the hours in individual timecards overrides the default hours.

For example, if employees in a particular pay group normally work 70 hours in a two-week pay period but a pay period includes a non-work weekday without pay, set the default hours to 63. When you load employees' timecards, the system uses this value in place of the 70 hours defined in their pay rates.

Start Date

Date the pay period starts for a group. Enter a start date for each pay group listed.

End Date

Date the pay period ends for a group. Enter an end date for each pay group listed. The system uses this date to load employees based on the pay start and end dates in their pay rate records. It also is used in calculations to determine if a contracted rate meets pay start and end date requirements. In addition, this date appears on check stubs.

Default Start Date

Default start date for the timecards you create for employees who are not in the pay groups specified. This may differ from the start dates that apply to the pay groups, though it is usually the same.

Default End Date

Default end date for the timecards you create for employees who are not in the pay groups specified. This may differ from the end dates that apply to the pay groups, though it usually is the same. The default end date also serves as the pay run's control number in the Fund Accounting Interface option.

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