Load to Future Pay Rates
23.10 and later
Use Load to Future Pay Rates to copy current pay rate information to Future Pay Rates pages so that you can make edits to pay rate records that are needed in the future, for example at the start of the next fiscal or school year, without impacting current payroll. This option is located on the action bar of the Employee Pay Rates page.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Pay Rates. After performing a search, from the action bar select Load to Future Pay Rates.
Select and load pay rates to Future Pay Rates
You may want to begin the process by running a search with no criteria and printing a report to Excel, which you can organize into employee groups by filtering, to ensure that all employees who will require pay rate changes are identified.
Enter Search Criteria to identify a batch of employee pay rates that you want to prepare for future payroll. You may use any search criteria that makes sense to you, including advanced search to refine the results. If you want to load all current pay rates, leave search criteria blank.
Click Search or run an advanced search.
After the search list is returned, from the action bar click Load to Future Pay Rates.
Review the preview list. If needed, click Exclude to skip pay rates captured in the search that you do not want to load.
Click Accept, then click Load. A confirmation displays to indicate how many pay rates were loaded, excluded, or skipped.
Click OK.
Process Criteria
Field | Description |
Effective Date | Enter an effective date when the new pay rates should be used for payroll. The effective date is used to select records during the post process, and should indicate to users when the future pay rates should be posted. When future pay rates are posted, they immediately replace current pay rates and impact payroll, so the effective date must provide guidance about when to post from future to current. For example: If administrators in the district have new pay rates effective in July, and teachers have new pay rates effective in September, perform separate searches using job class, pay group, location, or other fields that you know will group such employees. After you identify administrators, when you load to future pay rates, enter effective date July 1. Run a separate search to identify teachers, and when you load to future pay rates, enter effective date September 1. The date will guide the user who posts the future rates so that they do not post teacher pay rates in July. |
Control Number | Enter a meaningful control number. The control number may be used in the post process to select pay rates to replace current pay rates. |
Replace | If pay rates have already been loaded to Future Pay Rates, the Existing Effective Dates column in the list will display the effective date that was entered in the previous load process for the same employee, and job class. Select Replace to overwrite the existing future pay rate record (delete and replace) if it matches the employee, effective date, and job class. Replace will eliminate any changes that you have made to an existing future pay rate for the same employee and job class. |
Preview Current Rates to be Loaded
The list gives you an opportunity to review information about the pay rates that will be loaded to Future Pay Rates.
Field | Description |
Exclude | If you review available information on a pay rate record and determine that it should not be loaded to future pay rates, select Exclude. This provides an easy way to leave out individual pay rates that were captured in the original search without needing to go back and refine the search criteria. The system may auto-select Exclude for various reasons, which are defined in the Expected Load Result column. For example, if the upcoming year ledgers have not been created, the record will be excluded and cannot load to future pay rates. |
Existing Effective Dates | If one or more future pay rates exist for the same employee and job class, the effective dates are displayed. If the field is blank, there are no future pay rates that match the employee and job class combination. |
Expected Load Result | Provides information about the load process and results in future pay rates.