Maintaining Batch Timecards
Use the Import Batch Timecards page to change and delete employee batch timecard records. This section describes the procedures for performing these functions. It also includes descriptions of the page's fields.
To add batch timecard records to this option, you must use the Import item on the page's Action Bar.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Import Batch Timecards.
Human Resources Profile Attendance Setting
In the Human Resources Profile, the Attendance checkbox has the following effects:
If the Attendance field is selected, attendance can be entered through timecards, and the Attendance Information and Substitute Information sections will display on the Batch Employee Timecard page. However, the section's fields can only be accessed if the pay code entered in the Employee Time Information section is associated with leave.
If the Attendance field is not selected, attendance cannot be entered through timecards, and the Attendance Information and Substitute Information sections do not appear on the Batch Employee Timecard page.
Change a Batch Timecard Record
On the Import Batch Timecards page, in the Search Criteria section, enter selection criteria, and then click Search.
In the List section, select the batch timecard record you want to change, and then click Accept.
In the Batch Employee Timecard page Employee Time Information section, change the field values as needed.
If a Pay Code in the Employee Time Information section is associated with leave, make any necessary changes in the Attendance Information and Substitute Information sections.
Click Accept to save your changes.
Delete an Individual Batch Timecard Record
On the Import Batch Timecards page, in the Search Criteria section, enter selection criteria, and then click Search.
In the List section, select the batch timecard record you want to delete.
Click Delete.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Delete Multiple Batch Timecard Records
This option deletes all timecard records displayed in the List section.
On the Import Batch Timecards page, in the Search Criteria section, enter selection criteria, and then click Search.
From the action bar, click Mass Delete.
In the Delete Confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete all timecards.
Fields and Descriptions
Employee Time Information
This section contains the batch timecard information for the employee.
Field | Description |
Employee Number | Employee's ID number, as entered in the Employee Information page. Display Only. |
Pay Run | Code identifying the pay run. The pay run must exist in Pay Run Processing and cannot be calculated. |
Job Class | Job class assigned to the batch timecard record. If no job class was in the imported file or statically mapped, this will be the class from the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Pay Code | Pay code assigned to the batch timecard record. If no pay code was in the imported file or statically mapped, this will be the pay code from the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Hours/Days | Pay hours for the batch timecard record. Used in calculating the employee's Amount on the batch timecard record for pay codes with an hourly, daily or per unit pay type. |
Pay Rate | Rate used in calculating the employee's Amount on the batch timecard record for pay codes with an hourly, daily or per unit pay type. |
Amount | Amount of the employee's batch timecard record. This value is calculated for pay codes with an hourly, daily or per unit pay type. Hours/Days X Pay Rate = Amount |
Tax | Pay frequency code for taxes on the batch timecard record. Leaving this field blank indicates that the value in the Pay Frequency field on the payroll tab on the Employee Information page will be used. Tax tables are identified by the frequency code and the employees' filing status. Besides the standard pay frequencies, such as W - Weekly and B - Biweekly, the field's drop-down list includes two additional codes:
*Budget Unit* | Low organization for distributing the employee's pay on the batch timecard record. Leaving this field blank indicates that the default organization from the employee's primary pay rate will be used when the pay run is calculated. |
Account | Account for distributing the employee's pay on the batch timecard record. Leaving this field blank indicates that the default account will be used when the pay run is calculated. The default account can have two sources, the employee's primary pay rate or the pay code table. If the pay code entered includes an account, that account overrides the employee's primary pay rate account. |
*Project* | Project for distributing the employee's pay on the batch timecard record. Leaving this field blank indicates that the default project from the employee's primary pay rate will be used when the pay run is calculated. |
Project Account | Project account for distributing the employee's pay on the batch timecard record. Leaving this field blank indicates that the default project account from the employee's primary pay rate will be used when the pay run is calculated. |
Cycle | Code identifying the pay cycle the batch timecard record should be associated with when posted to the pay run. This field will only allow cycles defined for the pay run in Pay Run Processing. |
FLSA | Numeric code identifying a cycle for calculating Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime. Use sequential integers to reference each FLSA cycle, starting with 1 for the first cycle, 2 for the second, and so forth. If FLSA overtime does not apply, leave this set to 0. For additional information on FLSA cycles, refer to Entering FLSA Overtime. |
Attendance Information
This section contains the batch timecard information for attendance. This section only displays if the Attendance field on the Human Resources Profile is set to allow attendance to be entered through timecards. Also, this section is only accessible if the Pay Code in the Employee Time Information section is associated with leave.
Field | Description |
Start Date | Date of the first day of the employee's leave. |
Stop Date | End date of the employee's leave.
Hours/Days | Hours or days of the employee's leave. |
Remarks | Optional note in reference to the leave. |
Substitute Information
This section contains the batch timecard information of the substitute for the employee's attendance entry. This section only displays if the Attendance field on the Human Resources Profile is set to allow attendance to be entered through timecards. Also, this section is only accessible if the Pay Code in the Employee Time Information section is associated with leave.
Field | Description |
Sub ID | Substitute's employee number. A substitute must be entered to access the section's other fields. |
Pay Code | Pay code for paying the substitute. If no pay code was in the imported file or statically mapped, this will be the pay code from the substitute's primary pay rate record. |
Job Class | Job class for the substitute. If no job class was in the imported file or statically mapped, this will be the class from the substitute's primary pay rate record. |
Pay Rate | Hourly or daily rate as a dollar amount. If the job class and pay code in the previous fields are linked on a pay rate record for the substitute, the value will default from that rate record. If they are not linked to a pay rate for the substitute, the value will default from the pay code table. |
Amount | Amount of the substitute's pay for this batch timecard record. This value is calculated for pay codes with an hourly, daily or per unit pay type: Hours/Days X Pay Rate = Amount The value can be changed; however, it will recalculate based on the previous calculation when saving the record. |
Location | Work location of the substitute's assignment. If no location was in the imported file or statically mapped, this field displays the base location for the employee the substitute was working for. |
Tax | Pay frequency code for the substitute's taxes on the batch timecard record. For more information, refer to the Tax field description in the Employee Time Information section above. |
*Budget Unit* | Low organization for distributing the substitute's pay, as identified in the employee's primary rate. To override the default distribution, enter the organization that applies. |
Account | Account for distributing the substitute's pay in combination with the budget unit. If needed, you may override the default account, which is taken from the employee's primary rate. |
Start Date | Date that the substitute started working for this employee. |
Stop Date | Last date that the substitute worked for this employee. |
Hours/Days | Total hours or days that the substitute worked. This value is used to calculate the substitute's Amount field. |