Adding and Changing Timecards
Use this option to add timecards for selected employees and change timecards that were loaded with the Load Employee Time option. The information you can enter includes regular and advance pay hours, pay codes, distribution accounts, sick leave, and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime.
Use the Employee Time page to add, change, or delete pay rates in employees' timecards.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Run Processing. Perform a search and select a pay run. Select Edit Employee Time, then Edit.
Action Bar Items
The Employee Time page's Action Bar includes the following item when the page first displays: | |
Set Default FLSA Carry Over | Displays a page asking if you would like to carry over Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime to the next pay run for all employees entered. This item only displays if you have a pay code set up for FLSA overtime.
To allow or prevent carryover for employees individually, generate a list of employees, select an employee, and then click the View FLSA Time item. For information on using this item, refer to Entering FLSA Overtime. |
The following options appear on the Action Bar after you search for, select, and display an employee: | |
Delete Row | Deletes a selected timecard row in the Timecard Data section. |
View Distribution | Displays the Distribution List for Pay Class page, which shows the Fund Accounting distribution for a selected timecard. |
FLSA Worksheet | Displays the FLSA Worksheet page, which shows the calculated values for entries made for Fair Standards Labor Act (FLSA) overtime. The page can only be accessed if FLSA overtime is generated. |
Max Distribution Account | In the *Budget Unit* field, defaults the budget unit that accounts for the greatest percentage of the pay rate’s distribution. You may change the default, if needed. |
Add and Change Employee Timecards
On the Pay Run Processing page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying pay run records, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the pay run where the employee timecards are stored.
Click Edit Employee Time.
Click Edit.
On the Employee Time page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying employees, and then click Search. The list includes all employees found in the search, not just those whose timecards were previously loaded.
Select an employee, and then click OK to access the Timecard Data section. This section shows the pay rates for the selected employee. If the section does not contain job classes and pay codes, then a timecard was not loaded for the employee.
In the Timecard Data section, you can:
Add a timecard
Select a job class in the first blank Class field and complete the remaining fields as needed.
Change a timecard
Replace values from a timecard that was previously loaded or entered.
- If a pay rate’s Hours/Days and Pay Rate fields show zero defaults, but the Amount field displays a value other than zero, then the system calculated the pay based on the rate and the pay run’s default hours. If so, you cannot enter the hours/days or pay rate, but you can change the amount.
- If a pay rate’s Pay Rate and Amount fields contain zero defaults, you need to enter the rate.
- If the Hours/Days and Amount fields contain zero defaults, the system calculates the pay amount when you enter the hours or days.
Delete a timecard
Select the rate, and then click Delete Row on the Action Bar.
- Click OK to save your additions, changes, and deletions.
- If you enter a leave pay code and the Human Resources Profile's Attendance checkbox is selected, the Attendance page displays when you click OK. For more information, refer to Recording Attendance in Timecards. Also refer to Entering Pay Codes in Timecards.
- If the Attendance page does not display, the timecard for the next employee in the List section displays.
- To enter or edit time for the next employee that displays, repeat the previous steps.
- Click Back to return to the list and select another employee.
- To return to the Edit Employee Time page, click Back twice in the List section.
Fields and Descriptions
Following are descriptions of the fields in the Employee Time page's Search Criteria, List (untitled), Timecard Data, and Totals sections.
Search Criteria and List Sections
Both sections have the same fields. The Search Criteria section accepts selection criteria for finding employees, while List section's fields are display only.
Field | Description |
Employee Number | Employee's ID number. |
Last Name | Employee's last name. |
First Name | Employee's first name and middle initial or name. |
Department | Employee's assigned department, as stored in the Employee Information page's Employment tab. These codes are defined in the Department table. |
Base Location | Employee's primary work location. These codes are defined in Security's Location Codes table in System Administration. |
Primary Group | User-defined pay group assigned to the employee's pay rate. |
Status | Employee's user-defined status. These codes are defined in the Status Code table. Unlike the status codes in employees' pay rates, they have no effect on whether an employee can be paid. |
Timecard Data Section
This section displays the pay rates for the current employee. If the section is blank, the employee does not have an active primary pay rate. You can still enter timecards for these employees. However, you may have to enter the time, amount, and other data that would normally default from the pay rate.
Field | Description |
Class | Job class assigned to the pay rate identified on the employee's timecard. If a code does not display, you can select one from the drop-down list or press <Tab> to default the job class and pay code from the primary pay rate. |
Pay Code | Pay code assigned to the job class in the employee's primary pay rate. The primary rate's pay code defaults to this field. For other job classes, you must enter the pay code. In addition to their use in pay rates, pay codes can be used to charge leave for vacations, sick leave, and leave without pay. They are also used for generating FLSA overtime. For related information, refer to the following sections: Entering Pay Codes in Timecards and Entering FLSA Overtime. Depending on the Human Resources Profile's Pay Code Dropdown List field, you can select a pay code from either a drop-down list or lookup page. |
Hours Or Days | Pay hours for Hourly pay codes or days for Daily pay codes. The employee's regular hours/days appear in the display-only Totals section. |
Pay Rate | Rate used in calculating the employee's pay. Press <Tab> to accept the default from the employee's primary rate record, or enter a different rate in dollars and cents. For pay codes with Per Period Rate and Special Amount pay types, you cannot enter a rate. |
Amount | System-calculated pay, except for a pay code with a Timecard Amount pay type. For this pay type, you must enter the amount. |
*Budget Unit* | Low organization for distributing the employee's pay. The budget unit defaults from the employee's primary pay rate but does not display. You can press <Tab> to accept this or enter a budget unit to override the default.
Account | Account for distributing the employee's pay. The default, which does not display, can have two sources:
In either case, press <Tab> to accept the default, or enter an account number to override the default. |
*Project* | Project code from the pay rate. Press <Tab> to accept the pay rate's default project code, or enter a different code. This field and the following Account field only apply if you use project accounting and the rate is linked to a project. |
Account | Project account code from the pay rate. Press <Tab> to accept the default, or enter a code to override it. This field only applies to project accounting. |
Tax | Pay frequency code for federal taxes. Press <Tab> to accept the default (does not display) from the employee's Federal Tax table, or select another frequency. Tax tables are identified by the frequency code and the employees' filing status. Besides the standard pay frequencies, such as W - Weekly and B - Biweekly, the field's drop-down list includes two additional codes:
Cycle | Code identifying the pay cycle for the current timecard entry. The system defaults 1 to reference the regular pay cycle. To specify another cycle for advanced and special pays, select 2-9 or S - Second Check, which issues all additional pay on its own check. Additional pay cycles are defined in Pay Run Setup - Additional Cycles. |
FLSA (Cycle) | Numeric code identifying a cycle for calculating Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime. FLSA cycles have no relation to the pay cycles created when setting up a pay run. Use sequential integers to reference each FLSA cycle, starting with 1 for the first cycle, 2 for the second, and so forth. If FLSA overtime does not apply, you may accept the field's zero default. |
Totals Section
Both fields in this section are display only.
Field | Description |
Regular Days Or Hours | Regular pay hours or days from the employee's primary pay rate. |
Hours Or Days Entered | Total hours or days from all entries in the Hours/Days fields. The system recalculates the total when you make an entry in these fields. |