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Recording Attendance in Timecards

Use the Attendance page to document leave time when you enter leave pay codes on an employee's timecard. The page applies to all forms of leave, including leave without pay. In school districts, the Attendance page also allows you to enter timecard information for one or more substitutes who filled in for the employee during the leave period.

The Attendance page displays under the following conditions:

  • The Human Resources Profile's Attendance checkbox must be selected.

  • In the Employee Time page's Timecard Data section, you must enter a pay code containing a leave code that corresponds with the leave banks in the employee's Employee Information page.

If these conditions are met, the page displays after you click OK in the Employee Time page. For information on this page, refer to Adding and Changing Timecards.

You can make up to 20 attendance entries in the Attendance page. This includes entries for multiple leave pay codes on the employee's timecard. For example, if an employee takes sick leave and personal leave within the same pay period, you can record both forms of leave in the same page.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Run Processing

Page Sections

Each attendance entry in the Attendance page includes two sections. The second section, Substitute, only applies to school districts and may not display, depending on your system's configuration.


Stores the main attendance entry, including the pay code, dates, and hours that apply to the leave.


Stores information on the substitute who filled in for the regular employee.

Action Bar Items

Besides Insert Row and Delete Row, the Attendance page's Action Bar displays the following item:

Duplicate Items

Displays a page showing any duplicate attendance entries from this and other pay runs. You must correct these before closing the Attendance page.

Record Leave on the Attendance Page

  1. On the Pay Run Processing page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying pay run records, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  2. In the List section, select the pay run where the employee timecards are stored.

  3. Click Edit Employee Time.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. On the Employee Time page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying employees, and then click Search. The listing includes all employees found in the search, not just those whose timecards were previously loaded.

  6. Select an employee, and then click OK to access the Timecard Data section.

  7. Complete the timecard entries for the employee's primary pay rate and any secondary rates that need to be entered.

  8. In the Class field on the next line of the timecard, select the job class that applies to the leave. While you can select any job class, you should enter the class for the rate being paid.

  9. In the Pay Code field, select the pay code associated with the leave.

    • This must be an hourly pay code that contains a leave code.

    • The pay code's leave code must be related to one of the employee's leave banks.

  10. In the Hours/Days field, enter the total hours or days of the leave.

  11. Complete the remaining fields on the timecard line, as described in the Fields section.

  12. If the employee took two or more forms of leave during the pay period, repeat Steps 9-12 for each leave entry.

  13. Click OK to save the record. The Attendance page displays.

  14. Complete the General and Substitute sections as needed for each leave pay code entered in the Employee Time page.

  15. Click OK to save your entries and return to the Employee Time page.

The total hours/days in the Attendance page must equal the hours/days from all leave pay codes in the Employee Time page. An error message displays if you try to exit and the hours are not equal, for example: Pay code 115 - 4.0000 attendance hours do not match 8.0000 timecard hours. Review the Hours/Days fields for your attendance entries, and then make the necessary corrections.

Fields and Descriptions

General Section

Enter the employee's leave information in this section. If non-workdays fall between the leave days, document each consecutive set of dates separately.



Pay Code

Leave pay code, as entered on the employee's timecard. If needed, you may select another code. For more information, refer to Pay Code Table.

Start Date

Date of the first day of leave.

Stop Date

End date of the leave.

  • If the employee only took one day's leave, the Start Date and Stop Date fields can contain the same date.

  • If holidays or non-work weekend days fall between the start and end dates of the leave, you must set up separate attendance entries for each uninterrupted span of leave time. Otherwise, a warning message displays, and the cursor returns to the Date From field.

  • Attendance entries can share the same dates, for example, to enter a half day of personal time and a half day of vacation time for the same day. However, if you enter the same date for two or more entries, either by itself or within a range of dates, the system issues a warning to alert you in case the duplication was unintended.

Hours Or Days

Hours or days from the timecard’s Hours/Days field. If you have more than one attendance entry for a pay code, divide the hours among the entries.

Make sure the total leave hours or days in the Attendance page equal the value in the Hours/Days field for the corresponding pay codes on the timecard.


Optional note in reference to the leave.

The limit is 21 characters.

Substitute Section

This section only applies to school districts. The section's fields create a timecard for the substitute who filled in for the regular employee. If more than one substitute served during the leave period, document the dates separately in the General section and include the substitute information for each attendance entry.



Sub ID

Substitute's employee number.

Sub Name

First and last name of the substitute. Display only.

Pay Code

Pay code for paying the substitute, which defaults from the substitute's primary pay rate. If needed, you may select another pay code.


Job class from the substitute's primary pay rate. If needed, you may select another job class.

Pay Rate

Hourly or daily rate as a dollar amount, which defaults from the pay rate identified by the pay code and job class. You may change this as needed.


Total amount of the substitute's pay for this attendance entry (Pay Rate x Hours/Days). Display only.


Work location of the substitute's assignment. Leave the field blank to use the location from the Personnel tab of the employee's Employee Information page. You may make another selection if the substitute's assignment was at another location.


Federal tax exemption status of the substitute. If needed, you may select another exemption code.

*Budget Unit*

Budget unit for distributing the substitute's pay, as identified in the employee's primary rate. To override the default distribution, enter the budget unit that applies.


Account for distributing the substitute's pay in combination with the budget unit. If needed, you may override the default account, which is taken from the employee's primary rate.

Start Date

Date that the substitute started working for this employee.

Stop Date

Last date that the substitute worked for this employee.

Hours Or Days

Total hours or days that the substitute worked. This value is used to calculate the timecard's Amount field.

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