Notifications by Certification Type
Use this page to set up notifications to be sent out to notify the appropriate parties that an employee's certification will be expiring. Users can determine which certifications have pre-arranged notifications, what the notification will say, when it will be sent out, and whether or not reminders should be sent out. The Certification Type is tied to the Employee's record.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel menu, select Notifications by Certification Type.
This topic covers the following notifications on the System Setup tab of the Notifications Subscriptions page. For details, refer to Notification Subscriptions Page.
Upcoming Certification Expiration by Type - Employee
Upcoming Certification Expiration by Type - Human Resources
Upcoming Certification Expiration by Type - Supervisor
These notifications operate identically to all other notifications on this page.
For the Subject, Viewer Text, and Email Text fields, variables can be used instead of manually entered data. Use the guide at the bottom of the Notification Detail section to use Value01 through Value05 for the items defined in the Certification Types table and Certifications/Licenses page in an employee's Personnel information.
The variables are defined as follows:
*Value01* = Certification Type
*Value02* = Certification Area
*Value03* = Expiration Date
*Value04* = Employee ID
*Value05* = Employee Name
Add a New Notification
Click Add new.
In the Notification Detail section, complete the fields. For details, refer to the Fields section.
When finished, click Accept to save the record.
If the Continuous checkbox is selected, the fields will clear, and a new notification can be added. When finished, click Back to return to the Search Criteria section.
Delete a Notification
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria that identify the records to list, then click Find.
In the List section, select the desired notification and click Delete.
In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the notification.
Update a Notification
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria that identify the records to list, then click Find.
In the List section, select the desired notification and click Accept.
In the Notification Detail section, update the fields as needed.
When finished, click Accept to save the record.
Generate a Notification Report
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria that identify the records to list, then click Find.
Click Print.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report and click OK. The report's default file name is notificationcert.rpt.
Field | Description |
Notification Type | The category of the notification type. These fields correspond to the notifications on the Notification Subscription page. Select:
Certification Type | The type of certification that the notification is associated with. The values are retrieved from the Personnel Certification Types table. |
Subject | Descriptive text to display as the email subject line. Variables are replaced by the values associated with the employee's certification. For more information, refer to the Variables section. |
Viewer Text | Descriptive text that will be viewed in the notification within the software. Variables are replaced by the values associated with the employee's certification. For more information, refer to the Variables section. |
Email Text | Descriptive text that will display as the body of the email. Variables are replaced by the values associated with the employee's certification. For more information, refer to the Variables section. |
Day Checkpoint 1 - 3 | You can enter up to three sets of days before the certification's expiration to send out multiple reminders. For example, Day Checkpoint 1 could be ten days earlier, Day Checkpoint 2 could be five days earlier and Day Checkpoint 3 could be one day earlier. This will send out notifications at the scheduled intervals. |