Pay Calculation
Use this option to calculate your pay run and update employee records with the new pay data. The Pay Calculation option produces two reports: Payroll Calculation Parameters and Payroll Calculation Journal Exceptions.
During processing, the system clears the current earnings, taxes, and deductions/benefit fields for all employees, regardless of whether their pay is being calculated. After the calculations, the system updates employees' records with the appropriate todate earnings, taxes, deductions/benefits, and leave accruals.
When you select the option, the system runs the Automated Payroll Backup process. The backup allows you to restore your database with the Automated Payroll Restore option, if the calculation produces errors or other undesired results.
You can only run the Pay Calculation option once per pay run.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Pay Run Processing. From the Pay Calculation menu, select Pay Calculation.
Before running the Pay Calculation option, you must:
- Complete all timecards for the pay groups in your pay run.
- Run the Pre-Calculation option to make sure your records are free of errors. For details, refer to Pre-Calculation.
We recommend running the Lock Human Resources option. However, locking out users from the system is not required to run the calculation.
Page Sections
The Pay Run Calculation page includes the following sections.
Pay Calculation Set Up | Displays the pay run code and description entered in the Pay Run Setup - s page. It also displays pay cycle and advanced pay information from in the Pay Run Setup - Additional Cycles page. |
Deductions | Displays the deduction frequencies from the Pay Run Setup - Step 3 page. This section includes the following action button: View Deductions - accesses the Deductions section so you can view any additional deduction frequencies assigned to this pay run. |
Special Pays | Displays the special pay frequencies from the Pay Run Setup - Step 3 page. This section includes the following action button: View Special Pays - accesses the Special Pays section so you can view any additional special pay frequencies assigned to this pay run. |
Exception Report Sort Order | Provides a field for determining whether to sort the Exception report by Employee Number or Exception Message. |
Calculate a Pay Run
- Click Pay Calculation in the Pay Run Processing page.
If you are using the Payroll Wizard, the page displays when you finish running the Lock Human Resources option.
The Automated Payroll Backup process runs as soon as the Pay Run Calculation page displays. The Automated Payroll Backup Status window page reports each step of the process. - Click OK to close the window.
If you experience a problem with your pay run, you can restore the Human Resources database using the System Administration > Administration > Miscellaneous > Automated Payroll Restore option. - In the Pay Run Calculation page, review the information in the Pay Calculation Set Up, Deductions, and Special Pays sections. If you need to make corrections, exit the page, and then change your setup data.
- In the Exception Report Sort Order field, select one of the following to set the report's sort order:
- Employee Number - to sort by employees' ID numbers.
- Exception Message - to sort by error messages.
- Click Next.
In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Payroll Calculation Parameters and Payroll Calculation Journal Exceptions reports. Following are the default file names of the calculation reports:
Payroll Calculation Journal Parameters
Payroll Calculation Journal Exceptions
- Click OK to begin processing the calculations and reports. The Processing window displays the system's progress.
- Click OK to close the Processing and Pay Run Calculation pages and display the Human Resources Unlock page.